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Another template I am working on for Drake CMS, or it's
succescor. Inspired by a message a fellow
countryman, Arno, who wrote in the guestbook about Drupal
templates, I made one called Druppel plate . You can check it out at Artesin dot Oldambtmeer dot NET.
Is it possible to split the hardcode and the templatecode even
more? Noticed that some template things are 'hardcoded', making
it hard to control from within the template. With FAQ this
disturbes the layout f.e.
Tried to keep it simple as
possible, and still learning.
Re: Druppel Plate, another approach
23 January 2008 13:00
You work is very very
are just what the project needs...
Keep it up
Re: Druppel Plate, another approach
23 January 2008 18:40
Thank you very much Terry. This last template is made
from scratch, only available for Drake CMS. Have
not checked it in IE though, am afraid it will be totaly... well
you know what I mean. One thing I noticed is that the
submenu needs to get some CSS styling still, so there will be a
little update soon.
The other ones need tweaking too,
but, all in good time.
Re: Druppel Plate, another approach
23 January 2008 19:14
Excellent work, Jonno!
For the hardcoded template code
there's nothing to do, we are not using a real template engine
because performance matters Keep up
with the good work!
Re: Druppel Plate, another approach
23 January 2008 19:14
I found a page where you can test a website in all avaiable
browsers. The open source service makes screenshot of the
submitted website with all browser:
Maybe it helps you testing
your template...
Your template looks quite good! Nice
Re: Druppel Plate, another approach
23 January 2008 21:14
Nice and new aproach. And some suggestions: - remove POLL
rows CSS formating or change colors - change background
images for the menu Regards,
Re: Druppel Plate, another approach
23 January 2008 21:40
@legolas558 Quote:
the hardcoded template code there's nothing to do,
find ways to get the max out of it @Siedlerchr Quote:
found a page where you can test a website in all avaiable
Will have a look there in a later stage. @adrian: Quote:
remove POLL rows CSS formating or change colors - change
background images for the menu
Will think about it.
First I hope to get all the templates to work as they
should, with all aspects adapted.
Thank you all for
the feedback and the compliments.
Re: Druppel Plate, another approach
24 January 2008 09:54
Great to see more template development is going
on. I know that 'beauty lies in the eye of the beholder' but the
popularity of Drake (or whatever it will be called in the future)
lies also in the availability of a wide variety of good quality
templates to choose from.
In the documentation
(lang/en/docs/developer/css_conversion.htm) I some something
interesting information, I guess it originates form
joomla-templates. There is an elaborate tutorial explaining and about
creating a joomla template at the site of joomla. There exists
even a site dedicated to templatewriting for joomla:
It would be
nice if something like that existed for Drake (should not be that
hard to make, since they are somewhat related)
Re: Druppel Plate, another approach
24 January 2008 21:43
my compliments !! Design is very nice..
Re: Druppel Plate, another approach
25 January 2008 09:43
the popularity of
Drake (or whatever it will be called in the future) lies also in
the availability of a wide variety of good quality templates to
choose from.
I agree, hope I can contribute some of
There exists even a site dedicated to
templatewriting for joomla:
would be nice if something like that existed for Drake
Well there is documentation describing HOWTO for templates for
Drake. More is always welcome I guess. The way they done
that at Compass Desings is very nice indeed.
@rsavarese:Thank you very much There is a small
update available v1.1 of Druppel Plate, it fixes the submenu