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Home page Templates > Drake Plate [V1 ready] Permanent link to this page
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Drake Plate [V1 ready]
13 January 2008 16:15
Anonymous Currently I am working on conversions from XOOPS to Drake.
The first on will be released open sourced when completely done.
Get a taste at Artesin dot Oldambtmeer dot NET
Re: Drake Plate
13 January 2008 17:10
Anonymous It looks very good! smile
Feel free to submit it in the Patches tracker when you have finished with it and when it is validates as XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

You should also check that it works with all the Drake CMS module positions.
Re: Drake Plate
13 January 2008 22:04
Anonymous Hi Jonno

Fantastic...you have talent, I hope you continue to hang around and contribute to the project.

Its good that there are users like you with very good skills starting to get involved.

Just doing templates is such a huge benefit to all usres...

Thanks again...
Re: Drake Plate
14 January 2008 10:43
Anonymous Thanks Terry, hope I can contribute something good.
It is XHTML1 validated now, but I still need to figure out how to put all those blocks in.

Not used to use 'right' side blocks, but maybe if only on the frontpage? Am open to a new approach.

All in good time I guess. smile

Cant wait for version 4.6 w00t
Re: Drake Plate
14 January 2008 11:06
Anonymous All module positions should be covered; just look at the default templates to see how they render them

I am glad to have you aboard! cheerful
Re: Drake Plate
14 January 2008 11:54
Anonymous Quote by Jonno Burpo:

Not used to use 'right' side blocks, but maybe if only on the frontpage? Am open to a new approach.

All in good time I guess. smile

Cant wait for version 4.6 w00t

You may have already read this however, This is the the basic info of the template layout and positioning.

Re: Drake Plate
14 January 2008 16:07
Anonymous Printed it so I have it at the tips of my fingers. Have to see how I can implement this with the current Template design.

Used to make it not wider than 800px, even prefer 780 or 760px. Not to cope with 800px screen resolution specificly, but merely to make it more easy on the eyes.

Will read it all through and see how I can fit it all in.
[Edit] Think it can be done. cool
Nice to be aboard smile
18 January 2008 09:17
Anonymous Well, almost done with the final version 1 of Drakeplate.
But then something strange happened.

A Code:
gets inserted in the page spliting the template in two with a gap between. This happenes when using the Editor FCK and TinyMCE.

W3C test went ok except by one thing: Code:
missing in the banner part.

Re: Almost...
18 January 2008 13:22
Anonymous Quote by Jonno Burpo:

Well, almost done with the final version 1 of Drakeplate.
But then something strange happened.

A Code:
gets inserted in the page spliting the template in two with a gap between. This happenes when using the Editor FCK and TinyMCE.

Maybe your CSS for <br /> is not OK?


W3C test went ok except by one thing: Code:
missing in the banner part.


I thought that was fixed with v0.4.10 RC6. Is it not?
Re: Drake Plate
19 January 2008 10:19
Anonymous Drake Plate is ready, except the two points I mentioned. As far as I can see the BR appearing in the output when editing is not from the index.php and not from a css file.

Also the advert/banner still gives the alt error after W3C check.
For the proper working of the template it should not be a problem at all. Only when editing an item with FCK editor or the other one it shows a gap.

See it as an editormode tongue

It comes up at a spot where I should not edit. Meaning outside of the template boundries.
That's for the coders wink

Now let's see where I can upload it now. cool