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Home page Templates > Different icons for each submenu entry Permanent link to this page
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Different icons for each submenu entry
17 September 2007 21:34
Anonymous Hello everybody; I would like to know if there is a posibility to include some lines in the template.css file to have a different button (icon) for each submenu in Main Menu. Of course, i'm not asking about integrating a .JS or new .CSS file in the index.php template file.

Understant that until now I knew nothing about PHP and CSS, but i did some (friends say) nice templates... just by using my logic.. :-)
Thank you,
Re: Different icons for each submenu entry
19 September 2007 02:31
Anonymous Hi there adrian..

Sorry for ignoring you...

You could try and do what you want yourself and post your experince in the websites forum.

It is all very possible...have a go..if successful you could submit the template for public availability once the storage facilities are setup etc..
