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Home page Templates > A new look of Admin template? Permanent link to this page
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A new look of Admin template?
30 October 2007 14:57
Anonymous I hope that current Admin template (r4717, available on SVN) will not be set as a default in 0.4.8, because it looks.. bad? Light blue header, gray menu toolbar, dark gray buttons toolbar, white background of sections, again (second??) dark gray buttons toolbar and white footer.

Logout link in top right corner of header?

I prefer old, good version smilePlease make further changes before releasing 0.4.8.
Re: A new look of Admin template?
30 October 2007 15:41
Anonymous Quote:

I hope that current Admin template (r4717, available on SVN) will not be set as a default in 0.4.8, because it looks.. bad?

I agree that it looks bad, but I don't think that the previous one looked good - it's just that we were used to it, I think.

Light blue header, gray menu toolbar, dark gray buttons toolbar, white background of sections, again (second??) dark gray buttons toolbar and white footer.

I have restored my previous "vanilla" version, which is too much white...


Logout link in top right corner of header?

That's exactly where it previously was, it has just been moved a bit more on the top


I prefer old, good version smilePlease make further changes before releasing 0.4.8.

Does it look OK now?
Re: A new look of Admin template?
30 October 2007 17:12
Anonymous Yes, now looks better, although:
1) Second toolbar - is it really needed? It looks 'strange' with buttons on top bar aligned to a right side, and buttons from bottom bar aligned to a left side
2) There's too little space between Logout icon and Logout text (IE issue)

Overall: I think this is a good way that theme should go, but you know it can be better (and should be)! smile

BTW: There are several conflicts while adding new Admin template, starting from 'selecting a new template doesn't make any changes in Admin backend' (I've had to override the directory name and ID of my admin template to 'default' to see it), and ending on 'dissappearing images'. Just try to look how many crazy things you can encounter smile
Re: A new look of Admin template?
30 October 2007 23:39
Anonymous Quote:

Yes, now looks better, although:
1) Second toolbar - is it really needed? It looks 'strange' with buttons on top bar aligned to a right side, and buttons from bottom bar aligned to a left side

It's a transition: the top bar will only contain buttons which not operate on list items


2) There's too little space between Logout icon and Logout text (IE issue)

Did I already concur that it looks bad?


Overall: I think this is a good way that theme should go, but you know it can be better (and should be)! smile

I have just outlined how the new layout should be, preferring praticity


BTW: There are several conflicts while adding new Admin template, starting from 'selecting a new template doesn't make any changes in Admin backend' (I've had to override the directory name and ID of my admin template to 'default' to see it), and ending on 'dissappearing images'. Just try to look how many crazy things you can encounter smile

That's an area that has rarely been debugged!
Re: A new look of Admin template?
31 October 2007 17:21
Anonymous There's something new under /branches/blake/admin/templates/ on SVN smile

In this version (0.1) no icons changed. I'm going to do that in v0.2. How can I change icons size from Home page (and only from Home page) to larger?
Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 10:46
Anonymous I've got to say that I really like it smile
A few tips: I would replace the orange of subheaders with the same color of the main header (see in Global config the "Global Configuration" color vs the "General Drake CMS and server settings" color)

And the menu does not contrast very well because it's black (menu) on black (background page); maybe it could be silver/bluish? I have no idea

I forgot: I like 3D buttons which are actually 3D, but it's just my opinion
Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 10:55
Anonymous I don't like the fact that the page gets an external URL - the Drake CMS ugly status image was sort of mandatory so that we do not use that trickery: on some servers you cannot retrieve an external URL via PHP, while the image will always work - even without javascript.
Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 12:27
Anonymous Quote:

A few tips: I would replace the orange of subheaders with the same color of the main header (see in Global config the "Global Configuration" color vs the "General Drake CMS and server settings" color)

Good idea. I'll probably change them in next version.


And the menu does not contrast very well because it's black (menu) on black (background page); maybe it could be silver/bluish? I have no idea

I've checked several solutions, and found out that whatever color I'll put together with 'black', there is always a too large contrast between them. So I've left it black.


I don't like the fact that the page gets an external URL - the Drake CMS ugly status image was sort of mandatory so that we do not use that trickery:

That generated image (status.png) is looking REALLY BAD with a black template, because of the background color (cyan?). Maybe you can change it's script to get background color as a parameter by GET method? So I can pass background color (and text color) to it's link (&back=black&text=white)? Anyway, because I've left out image about the latest version, I had to produce information about it in other way.

The best way would be creating a link (or button) near installed version number, called 'Check', so an user can see the latest version only when he wants it (in a text format), not everytime he'll change the Admin page (you can speed-up page loading time, especially on localhost) OR to load version number always when entering Administration section only one time and not anymore (in that session)..


on some servers you cannot retrieve an external URL via PHP, while the image will always work - even without javascript.

That's why it is disabled by default (+ because it makes working in Administration backend slow).
Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 14:30
Anonymous I can't change Help -> About page, because it's using built-in styles in components/about/about.common.php:


<big style="color:navy; font-weight:bold">

<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

I've put it in a bug tracker.

About mentioned button/link, something like Update mechanism would be nice - with cached information about latest SVN version, and retrieval of new version after clicking on Update link.
Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 14:58
Anonymous Quote:


I don't like the fact that the page gets an external URL - the Drake CMS ugly status image was sort of mandatory so that we do not use that trickery:

That generated image (status.png) is looking REALLY BAD with a black template, because of the background color (cyan?). Maybe you can change it's script to get background color as a parameter by GET method? So I can pass background color (and text color) to it's link (&back=black&text=white)? Anyway, because I've left out image about the latest version, I had to produce information about it in other way.

I will implement fg=00FFCC and bg=00FFDD querystring parameters


The best way would be creating a link (or button) near installed version number, called 'Check', so an user can see the latest version only when he wants it (in a text format), not everytime he'll change the Admin page (you can speed-up page loading time, especially on localhost) OR to load version number always when entering Administration section only one time and not anymore (in that session)..

The image is engineered to be cached every 12 hours (by the client)...it does not slow down anything, you just get it once - or am I wrong? ermmTry yourself to get the image: on the 2nd and further attempts, it will be taken from cache - unless you change the querystring



on some servers you cannot retrieve an external URL via PHP, while the image will always work - even without javascript.

That's why it is disabled by default (+ because it makes working in Administration backend slow).

Does the status image really slow down the backend browsing? I am not sure about this, I think it does not affect browsing at all...
Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 15:02
Anonymous Precisation about the querystring parameters for status.png.php remote file:


fg = 000000 black color of the text
nbg = FFFFFF white color used when the querystring contains a non-valid version string
obg = 00FF00 green color used when revision is OK
ubg = FF0000 red color used when user needs to update
sbg = 00CCCC cyan color used when user is using a testing SVN revision
Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 15:46
Anonymous 1) Sometimes image is not displayed (page needs to be refreshed once or twice)
2) Can you please add also possibility to change the font (style and size)?


Does the status image really slow down the backend browsing? I am not sure about this, I think it does not affect browsing at all...

I was writing about fopen which is slowing down pages a bit. I have no idea about image.
Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 16:06
Anonymous This is how it looks:


Scary wink

BTW: 'Total hits' still works or it's structure has been changed?

Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 16:40
Anonymous Quote:

This is how it looks:


Scary ;)

I like it; however, black should be used for the "normal" status (obg), I would use a different color for SVN status (like to say: hey, you're working on SVN - don't expect this to work)


BTW: 'Total hits' still works or it's structure has been changed?

It works when stats are enabled (and it is suggested not to enable them); the default template correctly shows them only when they are calculated
Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 16:43
Anonymous Quote:

1) Sometimes image is not displayed (page needs to be refreshed once or twice)

We all know that IE is a buggy browser - we have to live with it
2) Can you please add also possibility to change the font (style and size)?

It would not make sense, since the picture should then have a different size too...



Does the status image really slow down the backend browsing? I am not sure about this, I think it does not affect browsing at all...

I was writing about fopen which is slowing down pages a bit. I have no idea about image.

Actually that's not a good thing in an admin template.. ermm
Re: A new look of Admin template?
01 November 2007 17:24
Anonymous Quote:

I like it; however, black should be used for the "normal" status (obg), I would use a different color for SVN status (like to say: hey, you're working on SVN - don't expect this to work)

I'll change it's background color to brown. However brown color of text would be so much better - is it possible? :/


It would not make sense, since the picture should then have a different size too...

Exactly. This image is a little bit to big (in my opinion). I think that it's better to use 2 rows (instead of 3): Latest version & Your Version, remove Alpha/Beta Testing message and put 'SVN' word to 2nd row. That way image can be smaller (with the same text), or more clear by increasing font size (with the same image size). What do you think about it?


Actually that's not a good thing in an admin template.. ermm

Yeah, but I was desperated unsure
Re: A new look of Admin template?
02 November 2007 07:21
Anonymous Quote:


I like it; however, black should be used for the "normal" status (obg), I would use a different color for SVN status (like to say: hey, you're working on SVN - don't expect this to work)

I'll change it's background color to brown. However brown color of text would be so much better - is it possible? :/

As explained before, using the fg querystring parameter



It would not make sense, since the picture should then have a different size too...

Exactly. This image is a little bit to big (in my opinion). I think that it's better to use 2 rows (instead of 3): Latest version & Your Version, remove Alpha/Beta Testing message and put 'SVN' word to 2nd row. That way image can be smaller (with the same text), or more clear by increasing font size (with the same image size). What do you think about it?

I agree that the image is horrible and could be improved/optimized, but of course it "does the job" for now.

I have tried many combinations but I were not able to compact it any further; the message is necessary, because we can also advise about important issues through the image (e.g. "critical update needed" etc.)
Re: A new look of Admin template?
15 December 2007 00:59
Anonymous Template Black Admin v0.2 has been released.


Changes in 0.2:
- new icons added (Aqua Candy Revolution)
- fixed bug in <th> image
- changed color of header (proposed by legolas558)
- removed unused fopen function wink- removed unused styles from index.php
- changed header of index.php (new system!)
- colors of version image have been completely set
- tested with Drake CMS 0.4.9