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Home page Templates > A Demo Site for Drake CMS Template Permanent link to this page
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A Demo Site for Drake CMS Template
01 February 2008 20:02
Anonymous This demo site will showcase the versatility of templates for Drake. Have a look at Lakemana Template Demo

This template has a horizontal top menu, modules could be customized differently from each other, collapsible left-right modules, and a typography wherein you could preview the different formats of content you are able to use.

It is a valid XHTML Transitional!
Re: A Demo Site for Drake CMS Template
02 February 2008 11:58
Anonymous Wow! Very nice, very cool template.
Well done!
Re: A Demo Site for Drake CMS Template
02 February 2008 12:16
Anonymous span... W O N D E R F U L L.
I wanna have sex w/ you w00t
Is this excellent template available for dwnld? tongue
Re: A Demo Site for Drake CMS Template
06 February 2008 12:57
Anonymous L.S.

Indeed, very nice!! Hope they will be available one day!

Re: A Demo Site for Drake CMS Template
13 February 2008 06:37
Anonymous nice template. is there some download?
P.S.: in the opera browser is the top menu broken
Re: A Demo Site for Drake CMS Template
14 February 2008 09:09
Anonymous w00t

Excellent work span! My sincere compliments for these designs

P.S. it would be fair if the "Powered by Drake CMS" link would appear on them, see this sticky thread
Re: A Demo Site for Drake CMS Template
15 February 2008 03:15
Anonymous Hi All,

Thanks for the compliments!

The "Powered by Drake CMS" is now added! The main reason why I have not added it is, I am waiting for the rebranding to be completed. Any how, all is well ends well!

For the download availability, these are not perfect themes, it got a lot of adjustments that need to be done particularly for the not so popular browsers.

I do not have time to support them, so releasing them publicly may take sometime. It may change though.

The only reason why I created these templates is to showcase the versatility of templates for the Drake CMS.

My own little way of support!!!