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Home page Add-ons related > Some kind of lyric module/component Permanent link to this page
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Some kind of lyric module/component
20 August 2007 16:28
Anonymous We have a some kind of music website and we decide to make with Drake... But... We want to add a lyric module/component... How can we do... I think to edit another module/component(especially news)... ı want to learn your ideas and helps...

Thanks For Everybody... Take Care
Re: Some kind of lyric module/component
20 August 2007 16:55
Anonymous Hi and Welcome..

I am not quite sure what you are after..

Is it a module to play music online

Is it a repository for music files..mp3 etc..

or is it to simply publish the lyrics of songs..

Hope we can help...
Re: Some kind of lyric module/component
20 August 2007 17:12
Anonymous Thanks for deal...
I want to publish the song's lyric just...
Re: Some kind of lyric module/component
21 August 2007 02:36
Anonymous OK, understand...

Why not just create a new section called Lyrics, you can then create categories for each artist/band and then add each song as a item in that categorty..

Look HERE for a example of what I mean, second item on the menu.

Good Luck
Re: Some kind of lyric module/component
21 August 2007 09:56
Anonymous How can I thanks to you... You are great...
Re: Some kind of lyric module/component
21 August 2007 10:24
Anonymous No worries..

I should have also added to add the section you have created as a new menu item as I did in the example...

Dood Luck