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Home page Add-ons related > PJIRC chat for your Drake CMS websites Permanent link to this page
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PJIRC chat for your Drake CMS websites
07 May 2007 02:36
Anonymous Hi drakers,
a nice present for you this time, to thank all your support & help:

Download page for PJIRC wrapper

The install instructions are inside the archive; this wrapped instance is the same one used for our official webchat.

Enjoy it! grin
Re : PJIRC chat for your Drake CMS websites
05 June 2007 15:35
Anonymous smile

legolas i have tested PJ-IRC addon
works fine, the little I have seen = alone online laughing

also I once visited 'official Drake IRC room
in that Net freexxxx. I do not remember name.
Using my mIRC client.

That room was a Dead place - many are ... sad

I once ran my own Registered Channels at Dalnet
during the period DALNET were Really Poular and BIIIGGG.
After this dalnet was Attacked and never could recover fully.

Other IRCnets took over ... hmmmm
can we spot a plot against DALnet here - I think so

Re : PJIRC chat for your Drake CMS websites
05 June 2007 15:49
Anonymous I and other Drake Team members usually hang there when there is some job to coordinate through istant messeging; in my experience, I have rarely seen users there.
It is a dead place because we have a very small number of users, I think, but anyway it might become more useful in future (we might organize IRC meetings etc.)

I did not know the story of DALnet, quite interesting...anyway I hope that freenode won't have the same troubles in future smile
Re : PJIRC chat for your Drake CMS websites
05 June 2007 17:25
Anonymous I chat with Daniele often on IRC...

As he said we use it when a new release is about to happen and when coordinating major updates to the website...

Problems you have is different time zones...I am 8 to 10 hrs ahead and of course languages.

One of us always has to be committed to lose a lot of sleep.
Re : PJIRC chat for your Drake CMS websites
06 June 2007 02:48
Anonymous I sometimes visit the channel, but ´there is just the server bot odr sth else...

And yes, the time zones are a problem.. I live in Germany...
Re : PJIRC chat for your Drake CMS websites
07 June 2007 05:28
Anonymous I live in Rome...so we have almost the same timezone; as I said above, when Drake CMS will have more users we will surely see a growing traffic in that IRC room