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Home page Add-ons related > Drop Down Menu style Permanent link to this page
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Drop Down Menu style
14 November 2007 09:56
Anonymous Hi All, thought I'd continue my investigation for a drop down menu which includes several sub-menus. This picks up a previous thread about using a flash system http://drakecms.sourceforge.net/index.php?option=forum&task= v...

The main question is if I use flash/java or something else, preferably flash, in a wrapper how do I connect with the menu database.

It is to replace the top menu at SMG Website

Any advice most welcomed, thanks.
Re: Drop Down Menu style
16 November 2007 12:14
Anonymous Update:

Ended up creating a swf file and hard coding into the template (index.php file)

I don't believe it's the best solution but will do for the short term.

Any suggestions most welcomed though