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Home page Add-ons related > Blog add-on Permanent link to this page
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Blog add-on
13 July 2007 18:29
Anonymous Hello, I would like to know if you plan to include a blog module for Drake. Now a lot of sites have a blog section. I would like to see something like SimplePHPBlog; it looks great, easy and very efficient.
P.S. Drake is fast, nice & intuitive; if I can help you with templates and Romanian language let me know smile
Re: Blog add-on
23 July 2007 03:25
Anonymous Hi Adrian

Thanks for your interest, everyone is haveing a little break at the moment so we missed your post..:-(

At this stage we are concentrating on stabilising and securing the core of Drake CMS. There has been some movement in add on related work but this is being done by users as they work with the beta.

Certainly once the first full release is done work will be focused on addons and other improvements.

re Translation if you go here:
Help Wanted and have a look.

Thanks again.