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Hi all, I wanted to install the new 0.4.7 over my 0.4.5. I
did tarball backup from 0.4.5, installed 0.4.7 and then I wanted
to use my tarball...but I do not find any option to untar a
tarball in system>Tarball Backup! I see the tarball made
in 0.4.5 listed (I moved it in private/backup) but I do not see
any button/option to use it to restore my data.
help is welcome!
Re: tarball backup
03 October 2007 16:32
I think it is update, but when you press update
you get the error, I've already submitted.
what to do, I thought?
I extracted the backup manually
and uploaded the files manually, but be careful /images/ is now
/media/ .
That is the only chance, I think.
Regards, Christoph
Re: tarball backup
03 October 2007 20:44
I thought 'update' was meant to update an existing tarball
am not sure 'update' does what it suppose to then. On my
installation, it does not extract anything but it does change the
tarball timestamp (I see that from the file system).
Any more help will be welcome here
Re: tarball backup
03 October 2007 22:33
Do you get an error, when you click update?
I am not sure
'update' does what it suppose to then. On my installation, it
does not extract anything but it does change the tarball
timestamp (I see that from the file system).
I got one of these nice "Drake CMS unhandled
error" My problem was: I had some downloads and tarball was'nt
working, so what to do? I extracted them locally and
uplaoded them via FTP in the /download/ folder, but now the
filesize is missing
Yeah and I agree with you,
"update" is a bit cofusing, unpack or restore would be
better, I think.
Re: tarball backup
04 October 2007 09:19
I do not get an error, the system takes a while to respond but it
does. I can see that the timestamp of the tarball is changed.
Can someone from the DRAKE team tell us how to restore a
Thanks a lot, Fabrice.
Re: tarball backup
04 October 2007 11:11
On the 13th of September legolas558 posted the
Quote by legolas558:
The 'Update' action will
update the selected tarball archive with the contents of the
current website, not viceversa!
Actually there is no
'Restore' feature because on some systems it might not be
possible to overwrite the currently executed php script.
To restore a tarball backup you should extract it (eventually
overwriting) in the Drake CMS root folder; you should always set
the flag 'user data only' when restoring between different Drake
CMS versions, otherwise you will downgrade your Drake CMS and
100% break it (if you are not using a flatfile database system
your database data will still be in place, luckly)!
Once done that, you can restore the database backup (if it was
attached to the tarball archive) since it will be found in place
under private/backups..
I am sure Daniele will
add to this when available.
But in essence, the
tarball backup feature creates a tarball of your site, the update
just refreshes it..You need to manually extract the tarball
contents to the root directory of your website..the veloce.php
script can automate the extraction process..see this Thread
Please note
comments in the posts re tarball backup options..
Re: tarball backup
04 October 2007 21:15
Ok, thanks for the info
If I can just add a small
comment/advise: it would be wise to remove this statement
"put the tarball archive into private/backup and extract it
using the apposite admin backend feature (System -> Tarball
backup)" from the "Updating from a previous
version" paragraph on the home page I will
save some time to other people!
Thanks, Fabrice
Re: tarball backup
04 October 2007 21:32
Ok, thanks for
the info
If I can just add a small comment/advise: it would
be wise to remove this statement "put the tarball archive
into private/backup and extract it using the apposite admin
backend feature (System -> Tarball backup)" from the
"Updating from a previous version" paragraph on the
home page I will save some time to other people!
Thanks, Fabrice
You're right, sorry
for the misleading information - I have just fixed the text
Re: tarball backup
04 October 2007 23:14
Ok, now I understand!
But, there is still my
question: I extracted the downnloads manually and uploaded
them via FTP in the folder, but now the filesizer of the
downloads is missing. Is therefore the update function=?