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Home page Help & Support > pages without categories Permanent link to this page
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pages without categories
01 November 2007 22:53
Anonymous Hi,
Is it possible to not use categories. Let me explain this more.. When i make eg a link page i allways have to put it in a category.
When i put weblinks in the menu, i always go to the linkscategory page even i have only one category. I tried deactivate the weblink menu item, and use a direct link to the weblinkcategory page (which i created urlier), but then it will not work, because the menu item is not active.

Is it possible just to skip the categorie pages?

Greetings Richard.
Re: pages without categories
02 November 2007 01:01
Anonymous Hi and Welcome

Short answer No..

Just what is it you are trying to do?

I think you are trying to make a page that contains Links to websites.

See here for an example of that.

Or am I just so far off the mark it is not even close.

Re: pages without categories
02 November 2007 07:15
Anonymous Quote:

Is it possible to not use categories. Let me explain this more.. When i make eg a link page i allways have to put it in a category.
When i put weblinks in the menu, i always go to the linkscategory page even i have only one category. I tried deactivate the weblink menu item, and use a direct link to the weblinkcategory page (which i created urlier), but then it will not work, because the menu item is not active.

You ought to create the menu item in the 'hiddenmenu' for that


Is it possible just to skip the categorie pages?

Greetings Richard.

All content/weblinks/(other) items are categorized, so it is not possible.

You can submit a feature request to be able to skip the category page, if you wish
Re: pages without categories
04 November 2007 22:24
Anonymous Quote:

All content/weblinks/(other) items are categorized, so it is not possible.

You can submit a feature request to be able to skip the category page, if you wish

So where do i submit this feature request?
Re: pages without categories
04 November 2007 22:30
Anonymous Quote:

So where do i submit this feature request?

You will have to register at SourceForge if you have not already done so then go to the Feature Requests page at the Drake CMS Project.

What was it you were trying to do?, as I said above there may be another way to achieve what you are after.

Good Luck

Re: pages without categories
06 November 2007 23:24
Anonymous yeah you where right it worked now with the hidden menu!

Thanx to the update.