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menu and submenu
01 June 2007 22:30
Anonymous Hello,
how i create submenus which is showed only some pages. I created new menu module and then created new menu and then i added items to this new menu. i want to show this menu only on pages linked from this new menu and one page from main menu. i tried change "show on" in module manager but there isn't items from this new menu(ther is only items from main menu)I hope that you understand which i want. Thanks.
Re : menu and submenu
02 June 2007 10:29
Anonymous See this example:
Test Menu

click on News in the Main Menu...look in the right module position...is that what you want to do?

If yes I will repost the details of what to do..

Re : menu and submenu
02 June 2007 14:53
Anonymous yes that is something like i want to do
Re : menu and submenu
02 June 2007 21:57
Anonymous Try this...

1. In the admin backend, Go to manage Modules and select New
2. Select mod_menu and next
3. Type a new module Title, position, what access group, and IMPORTANTLY, what item in the Main Menu for the New menu to show on.
4. Now, Very Important, under Module Parameters give a Name to the Menu this module instance will control....REMEMBER the name...you will need it at the next stage.
5. Save the new module instance and then publish it, slecting where you want it to appear and its order etc....

Now still in the backend, got to Menu, Add/Edit Menus...

6. Select New, type in the name that you were told to REMEMBER when creating the new module instance.
7. Create....
8. Select the Menu and then select the new menu you have craeted....
9. Now add menu items as you would for any menu....

The menu name that appears on the frontpage will be the Module Title you created in step 3 above....
Re : menu and submenu
06 June 2007 17:51
Anonymous hello,
finally i found time to answer. yes i know this method and it is logical cool. i uploaded for test sitehere. If you click on CafeSuite or Webdesign item from main menu then look in the right - new menu showed - it is ok but if you click on an items from this new menu - this menu become hide, i want that this new menu was still showed on - if you click on item from main menu and all items from this new menu.
Re : menu and submenu
06 June 2007 21:18
Anonymous Yes...I see what you want to do....

The issue is that you can have the new menu become activated when an item is selected in the main menu...no problems so far..


When you select an item in the NEW menu the focus is lost from the Main menu item that was the "Show Menu" criteria...

Hmmm, I can't see a way under the current rules to do what you want...

Others may have a better idea....
Re : menu and submenu
07 June 2007 05:16
Anonymous Sorry I haven't correctly understood what rasto_s is trying to do. sadCould somebody please explain me in simple terms?

I would like to help unsure
Re : menu and submenu
07 June 2007 08:28
Anonymous 1. create a custom menu

2. have that menu module display when an item in the main menu is selected...all easy so far..done, tested and explained above

3. create items in the new menu that select new content that has been created

4. now the hard bit, when an item is selected in the custom menu, the custom menu to remain visible, it currently disappears as the foucus has gone from the Main menu iotem that performs the "Show" authority.

See the example shown above at Show Menu Test
Re : menu and submenu
07 June 2007 16:01
Anonymous The example didn't help; however, if there is a consistency bug we will fix it.

Somebody should file a formal bug report saying: I do this and this (starting from a fresh Drake CMS installation), and I get this result, but this other result was expected.
Re : menu and submenu
07 June 2007 16:59
Anonymous I don't think its a bug..

Try my example...Here

Select TestContent in the Main Menu....the new menu appears in the right position...

Select each of the new Menu Items...

Note the outcome for each...the issue is when "MenuShow2" is selected
Re : menu and submenu
07 June 2007 17:39
Anonymous I have understood what you mean, and it is possible to achieve the desired result, you just have to master the content section/category/item concepts.

The default 'News' menu item links to the News content section (and lists its categories). If you do not want to have the content items fall under the 'News' link (which IS the 'News' section renderer), just create a new content section and put the content items under it.

As far as you will not have another renderer for the full section or category, the items' selection will be rendered for the single content items.

The menu system will probably be improved in future versions.