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Home page Help & Support > d__bad_env on Database Ceck Permanent link to this page
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d__bad_env on Database Ceck
10 November 2007 20:48
Anonymous 1. Since Drake 047 veersion, on instaling Drake on my local server (EasyPHP 2.01b) I receive this message when i press "Test database settings":

Notice: Undefined index: d__bad_env in C:\Program Files\EasyPHP 2.0b1\www\drakecms_unstable_r4858\includes\dracon.php on line 245
USE statement successfully executed, 1 database affected
Connection OK

Database management system
Database host
Database name

is this wrong???? why do i get this NOTICE?

2. This is a sugestion for download component improvement:
When the user presses "website" or "download" on an item, the target page is opening in the same window. It should open in new window not only the "website" , but also on pressing "download" at least when you don`t host the package.
Re: d__bad_env on Database Ceck
10 November 2007 21:36
Anonymous Please report the SVN bugs on the bug tracker next time

The download component improvements have been implemented on SVN

Re: d__bad_env on Database Ceck
10 November 2007 22:20
Anonymous Quote:

Please report the SVN bugs on the bug tracker next time

The download component improvements have been implemented on SVN


Thank you much, and excuse me about the tracker, i prefere to use the forum because lack of time. Regards