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Home page Help & Support > contact component - contact.html.php Permanent link to this page
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contact component - contact.html.php
28 June 2007 15:05
Anonymous Hi there!
Seems that this component does not overlap div's correctly around form tag?

I've tried to correct this and now seems ok (at least in firefox) but i cant attach code in this forum.

Thnx Bye Roberto
Re: contact component - contact.html.php
28 June 2007 17:26
Anonymous Submit a bug tracker item and attach the file there, we will review it.

Re: contact component - contact.html.php
29 June 2007 12:43
Anonymous Hi Legolas,
I've submitted the (don't sure whistling) bug and also another for the javascript in contact.common.php.

Thnx Bye Roberto
Re: contact component - contact.html.php
04 July 2007 11:35
Anonymous Hi Legolas!
I changed in contact.common.php line 6 with:

var email_regex = /^[\w\d\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\_\`\{\|\}\~]+(\.[\w\d\!\#\$ \%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\_\`\{\|\}\~])*\@(((\w+[\w\d\-]*[\w\d]\.) +(\w+[\w\d\-]*[\w\d]))|((\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}))$/;

Now email validation seems to work correctly silly

Bye Thanks Roberto
Re: contact component - contact.html.php
05 July 2007 02:30
Anonymous Are you sure that all those characters are RFC-compliant?

I mean, did you have to extend the allowed characters ranges because of some valid emails not being validated positively?
Re: contact component - contact.html.php
05 July 2007 08:29
Anonymous Hi Legolas!
Absolutely not sure about RFC-compliant! tongue
I've just find this on the net, so it may be to cosmetically adapted to Drake.

Anyway the major problem seems to be the "...new RegExp(...)" that does not work correctly.

Thanks Bye Roberto
Re: contact component - contact.html.php
05 July 2007 16:55
Anonymous I see no reason to replace the regex, it has already been fixed and there is no issue with IE7/FF2
Re: contact component - contact.html.php
05 July 2007 17:21
Anonymous Hi Legolas!
Uhm... this is strange also with clean (0.4.4 3866) install i get the javascript error about regexp?

Errore: invalid range in character class
File sorgente: http://xxx/drake/index.php?option=contact&Itemid=3
Riga: 22
(and this line is:var email_regex = new RegExp("^[\w\-_\.]+\@[\w]+\.[\w]+$");)

Also form/div is breaked?
I'm sorry maybe im doing something wrong.
Bye Roberto

ps: posto sempre in inglese xchè immagino sia meglio continuo così??
Re: contact component - contact.html.php
05 July 2007 17:44
Anonymous I mean that it has been fixed in the SVN trunk, we do not edit the releases once they are released.

PS: it is allowed to speak Italian only in the Italian forums wink
PPSS: your email is not valid, edit your email or else we'll have to delete your account
Re: contact component - contact.html.php
06 July 2007 09:51
Anonymous Hi Legolas!
Whoops! Email edited sorry....

Sorry for my dumbness in bug tracker!

Thanks keep up the good work!
Re: contact component - contact.html.php
06 July 2007 16:48
Anonymous No problem smile