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Home page Help & Support > activate outgoing connections for online update [Solved] Permanent link to this page
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activate outgoing connections for online update [Solved]
03 January 2008 17:23
Anonymous Hello,

A few days ago, I've mentioned a bug in the bug tracker. (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=186 2267&group_id=166901&atid=840802)

My problem is when I'm trying to use the update facilities, my Drake-cms installation crash every time.

The really fast answer (which was appreciated) from legolas558 I've received was that my hosting services don't enable the outgoing connections.

So, I've asked my host how could I enable this feature. They answer me that if I need url-fopen, it can't be done. But I can get fsockopen.

I don't know which one I need to enable the outgoing connections.

Does someone know if the fsockopen will work? Or what could I do to have the online update enable? (It's mostly because I want the French language without downloading every file one by one (from http://drakecms.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/drakecms/i18n/) than recreate a zip file then update my site manually each time a news updates is available.

Tank you.
Re: activate outgoing connections for online update
03 January 2008 20:20
Anonymous Quote by gogo12:


A few days ago, I've mentioned a bug in the bug tracker. (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=186 2267&group_id=166901&atid=840802)

My problem is when I'm trying to use the update facilities, my Drake-cms installation crash every time.

The really fast answer (which was appreciated) from legolas558 I've received was that my hosting services don't enable the outgoing connections.

So, I've asked my host how could I enable this feature. They answer me that if I need url-fopen, it can't be done. But I can get fsockopen.

It is strange that they told you that it is possible to use socket connections, because the error you reported tells about a fsockopen() error while connecting at port 80!

Can you test on your own if fsockopen() works? From the error you reported it does not.


I don't know which one I need to enable the outgoing connections.

You can't really do nothing if they're disabled by them. If they told you that it is possible to use fsockopen(), maybe the usage of port 80 (used for HTTP) is forbidden?


Does someone know if the fsockopen will work? Or what could I do to have the online update enable?

Drake CMS will use the standard fopen() approach and then the fsockopen() approach as last resort. In your case seems that both failed.


(It's mostly because I want the French language without downloading every file one by one (from http://drakecms.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/drakecms/i18n/) than recreate a zip file then update my site manually each time a news updates is available.

Tank you.

Oh, but you do not need to download each file singularly! You can get the file from the SF.net downloads and then install it from the Language Manager (as a file upload).

Actually, you can simply put the "ca" directory inside lang and it will work
Re: activate outgoing connections for online update
03 January 2008 21:45
Anonymous Hello,

What I've tried to say is that my hosting services block the url-open and the fsockopen but is able to active the fsockopen if I want (with a small fee).

If I paid the small fee, will it solve my problem?

Also, I've tried to find where to download the language package in SF.net. Probably it's really simple, but how could I download the lang FR-CA? Without using the online update, but by using the update from local file.

Thank you
Re: activate outgoing connections for online update
04 January 2008 01:37
Anonymous Quote by gogo12:


What I've tried to say is that my hosting services block the url-open and the fsockopen but is able to active the fsockopen if I want (with a small fee).

If I paid the small fee, will it solve my problem?

Yes, but I still would not suggest to activate such service because you can perfectly use Drake CMS without it.


Also, I've tried to find where to download the language package in SF.net. Probably it's really simple, but how could I download the lang FR-CA? Without using the online update, but by using the update from local file.

Thank you

Once you have the archive you can install it. Please, open the Language manager and click on New. Then you can upload the archive there.
Re: activate outgoing connections for online update
04 January 2008 14:33
Anonymous Hello,

If I reformulate my question:

How could I download the archive from SF.net?

I've tried, but the only package available is the Drake-cms core file, adobe-drivers, some templates, 3 misc add-ons (chat and text editors), and a few patches.

Where is the language package?

thank you,

Re: activate outgoing connections for online update
04 January 2008 15:29
Anonymous Quote by gogo12:


If I reformulate my question:

How could I download the archive from SF.net?

I've tried, but the only package available is the Drake-cms core file, adobe-drivers, some templates, 3 misc add-ons (chat and text editors), and a few patches.

Where is the language package?

thank you,


Oh, sorry! Those downloads are not hosted at SF.net...I will release the files at SF.net too
Re: activate outgoing connections for online update
04 January 2008 16:06
Anonymous Great, It worked!

Thank you very much for your really fast answers!
