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I've installed a test drake with veloce.php but it's the second
time that I saw...
The folders andfiles that created
with veloce.php cant be deleted or permissions cant change.
Even I cant delete it with via FTP manager with root
login. I had to close the whole host (thanks god that it was
emty) from reseller panel and open againcos of that.
What's wrong with the veloce.php? And is tehere a way to
overcome this problem?
Re : Whats wrong with veloce.php
02 June 2007 21:28
It creates folders with 0777 permissions, that probably causes
the troubles. It is not really a veloce script problem, but a
problem of your host.
I will anyway fix it in next
releases, thanks for reporting the issue!
Re : Whats wrong with veloce.php
02 June 2007 21:33
I think the issue is with the "owner" status of the
files that have been placed upon the server. Depending on how it
is done...
Some hosts will not allow some permissions
etc when FTP is used, BUT when the action is taken by a server
process ie the Veloce script then it is allowed...the apache and
php process becomes the owner
Depends on the settings
for that particular host and server...
Somone with far
more knowledge of apache and linux/unix will be able to explain
more clearly...