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Home page Help & Support > Validation code?[solved] Permanent link to this page
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Validation code?[solved]
11 January 2008 19:41
Anonymous A few hours after I installed Drake I allready got SPAM in my guestbook. I want to keep using Drake CMS with the guestbook. So can you tell me where the validation code can be set?
Currently I have 0.4.9 RC5 installed.

smileLove this CMS btw.
Re: Validation code?
11 January 2008 20:13
Anonymous blushWell it is in the Adminside in the Menu menu in the part for the specific menuitem. I can get used to it that way.
Re: Validation code?
11 January 2008 20:32
Anonymous Yes, you found it - it is a component parameter smile