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Home page Help & Support > Validation code image trouble [Solved] Permanent link to this page
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Validation code image trouble [Solved]
13 January 2008 12:42
Anonymous The Captcha code seems to work, but it does not show the right one on the page. When I press reload, in guestbook for example, the image disappears completely.

The website is: http://oldambtmeer.net. When I try to sign the guestbook (gastenboek) something goes wrong, it keeps showing the same image for the captcha. And when I reload it disappears.
In Firefox with RMB I can choose view image and then it shows the right Captcha image.

Think I just have made a wrong setting, at least so I hope.
Because I also get no mini PDF image with the articles.

Re: Validation code image trouble
13 January 2008 12:51
Anonymous The captcha issues you are having might be related to your browser and/or fancy extensions.

PDF export is not available for PHP4; that's because we haven't been able to find a working HTML -> PDF PHP facility to do the job! sad

If you hear about something usable, tell us
Re: Validation code image trouble
13 January 2008 13:02
Anonymous Correction: the captcha seems broken in v0.4.9 (the one you installed) but is not in the SVN trunk.

The next release will work much better
Re: Validation code image trouble
13 January 2008 14:45
Anonymous Ok thx, and will change the template whistling
Re: Validation code image trouble [Solved]
16 January 2008 08:08
Anonymous In version 0.4.10 the Captcha works like a charm. Thx