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Home page Help & Support > To upload a 14MB file Permanent link to this page
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To upload a 14MB file
09 June 2007 04:02
Anonymous Hi, I'm trying to upload a 14MB file but it is not showed in the list and does not show any error. I change php.ini and System/General/max. client side upload file size in my Drake CMS and it does not work.

can anybody help me?
Re : To upload a 14MB file
09 June 2007 06:07
Anonymous Are you using the admin backend File Manager component?

I will check that.

Edit: it works on SVN, you will get it working with the next hotfix patch
Re : To upload a 14MB file
12 June 2007 23:09
Anonymous No, Iam using Download Manager
Re: To upload a 14MB file
13 June 2007 08:28
Anonymous Hello

besides also the time plays a role a script may be executed.
The variable is told "max_execution_time"
The best way to upload big files is fundamental by FTP, still the possibility to assign then a category is missing.

I hopes such specific is translated understandable.

Greetings from Germany