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Home page Help & Support > TinyMCE configuratio Permanent link to this page
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TinyMCE configuratio
05 July 2007 14:23
Anonymous Hi there!
I'm in the need to add <script> tag to the tinyMCE editor.

I've tried to add in editor.php line 27 this code:
extended_valid_elements : "script[charset|defer|language|src|type],hr[class|width|size |noshade]",

Telling to tinyMCE to allow the <script> tag but this seems to not working??

Anyone can point me in the right direction??

Thanks Bye Roberto
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
05 July 2007 16:54
Anonymous Maybe at the tinyMCE forums?
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
05 July 2007 17:10
Anonymous Hi Legolas!
Yes! Sorry for this!

Just wanting to be sure that only editor.php call the instance of tinyMCE then i will go to tinyMCE forums!

Thanks Roberto
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
05 July 2007 17:12
Anonymous No problem - anyway editor.php contains the configuration for that editor so is the only inclusion point for tinyMCE instances
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
12 July 2007 15:00
Anonymous Hi Legolas!
I'm sorry but i've tried nearly everything in the tinyMCE documentation and forums, but tinyMCE instance continue to strip out tags...

I've added the "valid_elements : "*[*]"," in instance configuration and this work when updating but when saving the tags are stripped/converted??

Does it make sense??

Thnx Bye Roberto
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
12 July 2007 15:53
Anonymous Hi
I can confirm this beaviour on other tags (iframe for example).

Tags are stripped just a little bit pre-saving but i can't catch where in the code...

Bye Roberto
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
12 July 2007 16:14
Anonymous Did you look at includes/xhtml.php ?
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
13 July 2007 09:22
Anonymous Hi Legolas!
Yep i did not thinking about this!

I've added on line 21 in "./includes/xhtml.php":
$my_kses->AddHTML('script',array('charset' => 1,'defer' => 1,'language' => 1,'src' => 1,'type' => 1));

And now <scripts> tags are OK! w00t

Thanks so much for your support!
Bye Roberto

Re: TinyMCE configuratio
13 July 2007 09:47
Anonymous No problem man smile
Anyway, think about why the script tags are filtered: they lead to XSS vulnerabilities.

Be sure to add those filter exceptions when the user level is high enough (3 - Publisher for example)!

Otherwise a common user can submit a content with a script and steal your admin session cookie (when you will read it) and steal your website too!!!
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
13 July 2007 13:41
Anonymous Hi Legolas!
Yes in my case there will be only 1-5 registered users and so there will not be this possibility (as my dumbness suggest silly).

Anyway i was trying to put a google maps in a content page so the only way was to use javascript, maybe in future a google maps add-on/plugin can be a good idea?

Thanks Bye Roberto
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
06 August 2007 14:01
Anonymous Great posting!1 I think this will solve my problem...
I cannot change font color(well, I can change it but then it woulb be stripped) or para background. Does the change proposed in this message will solve that problem too or should I add something else?
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
06 August 2007 14:14
Anonymous You will probably have to modify the syntax to fit your specific HMTL syntax needs...

We are supporting most of the XHTML standard and also some HTML4.0, if you go outside them you'll have to edit xhtml.php yourself blush
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
06 August 2007 14:38
Anonymous Hi legolas558, yes, I understood that some time ago, but I still have the answer of Font Color. I am not an expert in PHP, but If you could be very kind in direct me to a possible solution. I desperately need for Tiny MCE to recognise and implement font and background colors... I will probaly find the solution on my own, but will take me precious hours... whistling

It will be far much faster if you can help me... unsure Any way it goes, thank you.
Re: TinyMCE configuratio
06 August 2007 19:00
Anonymous Hi everyone.. I solved w00t the Font coloring problem by modifying teh /includes/xhtml.php file in the last five or six lines:

// non-XHTML valid, will be removed once the DOCTYPE is Strict
$my_kses->AddHTML('font', array(
'face' => 1,
'color' => 1,
'size' => 1)

I just added the 'color' => 1, line and VOILA!!!! tiny MCE now allows me to change the color of fonts to any color I want....

See ya!