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Template conversion trouble
06 February 2008 03:02
Anonymous Hello,

I know that auto conversion tools are not provides to convert form limbo/mambo/joomla or any other CMSes, but I read that the conversion from limbo/mambo template is quite easy.

But, as I am a newbee in scripting and script, I need help. My goal is to convert a template from limbo. The template is 247shock_blue_542.

So, I've use the conversion script "templateconv.php" found in the documentation.

Here the lines from the documentation:

Tutorial: converting a template
Automatic conversion

In order to convert a template from Limbo/Mambo you have to:

1. download http://drakecms.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/*checkout*/drakecms/to ols/templateconv.php and run it locally with your template's index.php file
2. copy or create the drake.css in the css template subfolder
3. remove redundant CSS definitions in template_css.css
4. fix CSS declarations in index.php

So, I've put the templateconv.php in the same folder as the index.php from the limbo's template (247shock_blue_542).
Run the templateconv.php.

I've got a line : There should be a drake.css in the folder...

But I've look in the folder and there is no new file.

Then I tried to put the templateconv.php in the same folder as the drake.css. Run the templateconv.php and got the line: Please put an index.php file in the same folder as the templateconv.php... Try to put the index.php file from the limbo template in the folder.

Nothing more.

Tried to put an other drake's index.php template file in the same folder (in css with the drake.css and the templateconv.php files).

Now, I'm there.

Maybe the templateconv.php is not a valid file? (But it's still in the documentation.

Do you have any suggestion where I should take a look to understand more how to convert an existing template?

Maybe I should start from scratch? (Then it will probably take me years, only because I'm not good to create well done pictures on the computer.

Thanks you very much,

Re: Template conversion trouble
06 February 2008 04:32
Anonymous Hi

It needs to have a drake.css file in the css dir..create one or copy one from a working template and then edit it to suit your needs...

247shock_blue_542 needs a fair bit of work to convert it as it also has the splitmenu.php file to be converted as well.

The converter is not an "auto" do it all for you, it just produces the base Drake CMS syntax for a new index.php. There is still a lot to do after that.

The templateDetails.xml --> template.xml file has to also be modified, see a working template for what needs to be done.

Its not hard just a little time consuming for us "non" coders..

Good Luck smile
Re: Template conversion trouble
08 February 2008 21:46
Anonymous Hello,

I still need some info.

First, I’ve found an other template to practice (simplegreen).

Is this the correct hierarchy?

Drake root
---templateconv.php (the file from Drake’s official documentation)
----drake.css (a copy from the Drake’s extender templates)
----(a lot of images)

First, I run the page templateconv.php locally in my browser. The result is this on the white page : “The script folder should contain a drake.css file”

Then, I try to put the drake’s css files (drake.css) in the folder simple green. Now the hierarchy is:

Drake root
---templateconv.php (the file from Drake’s official documentation)
---drake.css (a copy from the Drake’s dkextender templates)
----(a lot of images)

I run templateconv.php in my browser and get: " Please put an index.php file in the template folder as C:\wamp\www\drakeRC8\templates\simplegreen\templateconv.php and run again this script
The output files (index.php and CSS files) will be saved into ../templates/converted/ "

Then I tried to put the drake.css and the templateconv.php in the template’s css folder. The hierarchy is:

Drake root
----templateconv.php (the file from Drake’s official documentation)
----drake.css (a copy from the Drake’s dkextender templates)
----(a lot of images)

I run templateconv.php in my browser and get: " Please put an index.php file in the template folder as C:\wamp\www\drakeRC8\templates\simplegreen\templateconv.php and run again this script
The output files (index.php and CSS files) will be saved into ../templates/converted/ "

As before.

Is the templateconv.php supposes to create a file or something?

What is wrong in my process?

Thank you,

Re: Template conversion trouble
09 February 2008 08:01
Anonymous Hi again

Sorry, you are doing nothing wrong, the last time I used the template converter it was not an automated process...This one is a new one to me as well..and there is an issue with the current converter...the old one did not create a css file or copy the converted files to a new dir etc it was aminly a manual process.

A resolution to be found shortly...hang in there..


Re: Template conversion trouble
20 February 2008 11:57
Anonymous As Terry said you'r doing nothing wrong, it's just that the converter is outdated and has never been fully automated

We will work on it, please stay tuned!