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Home page Help & Support > System Requirements for DrakeCMS Permanent link to this page
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System Requirements for DrakeCMS
23 August 2007 04:29
Anonymous Hi all,

I am having endless trouble getting Drake running on a production system.

Initally I installed on a local test machine running PHP5 and MySQL on ubuntu-server (out of the box install). All went perfectly, I tweaked and was ready to deploy.

My webhost runs php4.4 and this caused problems. Installation was fine but the front page produced Unhandled errors like "Only variable references should be returned by reference" which I figured were related to PHP or adodb_lite bugs. I got around this by putting $results into anoter variable before returning it (in mysql_driver.inc", but the admin section was broken.

I found another host that runs php5 and again the install went fine. The front page loaded too, but the admin section produced errors about "uninitialized string offset". I got around this by removing the [0]'s in classes/dbfork.php, but the admin section had many broken areas still.

So, what are the system requirements for gettig Drake to work? PHP versions? MySQL version? ADODB version?

And has anyone else encountered similar issues, or am I doing something plainly wrong?

Re: System Requirements for DrakeCMS
23 August 2007 08:04
Anonymous Hi Karl,

thanks for contacting us! I have seen your bug report and it has been correctly addressed (e.g. we are starting to study your case and find a solution).

Drake CMS' installation will check for the minimal requirements; Drake CMS can run it with any PHP 4.3+ or PHP 5 and above versions, and it will work with any MySQL.

The troubles you are getting are bugs that should be fixed; if you can make some more tests for us, I would invite you to use the SVN tarball (available here) and test it. The next version (in this case 0.4.6) should have already fixed some of the troubles you met.

I am interested in solving ALL the bugs you have found; removing the "[0]"s in the DbFork class is not a good idea, by the way.

Can you point us to such free hosting so that we can make some tests there?

Re: System Requirements for DrakeCMS
23 August 2007 08:45
Anonymous Hey, Thanks for your reply.

I will test with the SVN.

If you're interested in testing on a free host, try http://freehostia.com - they have PHP Version 5.0.5 which is also giving me problems.

DrakeCMS is by far one of the best CMS. I looked round for many days and am fixed on this one. If only I could get it working on a webhost!
Re: System Requirements for DrakeCMS
23 August 2007 08:57
Anonymous Hi

I will give them a try Daniele...

I know you are very busy just now....

Re: System Requirements for DrakeCMS
23 August 2007 10:06
Anonymous OK...full install to the free webhost hostia, ftp went without a hitch...Chmod dirs etc..using SVN v0.4.6 Beta r4064

Following error reported when trying to open front page,

=Error hash=
=Previous page=
=Current page=
=Version information=
2007/08/23 08:57:10 GMT

Drake v0.4.6 Beta r4064
Server: Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7d SE/0.5.1
PHP version: 4.4.0
Protocol: HTTP/1.1
OS: Linux hex15 #4 SMP Sat Mar 31 22:42:29 GMT 2007 i686
Database: gladius
Subsite: no

User agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Avant Browser; FDM)
Accept-language: en-au
User lang: en

=Debug backtrace=
::/index.php(29): include(1)
::/includes/component.php(10): getrow(1)
::/classes/dbfork.php(141): selectlimit(2)
::/classes/adodb_lite/adodb.inc.php(385): do_query(4)
::/classes/adodb_lite/adodb_sql_drivers/gladius/gladius_driver. inc(254): query(1)
::/classes/gladius/gladius.php(1085): do_select(1)
::/classes/gladius/gladius.php(1176): include(1)
::/classes/gladius/gladius_select.php(67): _parse_where_expr()
::/classes/gladius/gladius_rs.php(652): _parse_one_expr()
::/classes/gladius/gladius_rs.php(730): _get_hand_expr()
::/classes/gladius/gladius.php(640): _get_hand()
::/classes/gladius/gladius.php(583): _new_field(1)
::/classes/gladius/gladius.php(521): _new_field() ::/classes/gladius/gladius.php(521): E8 Only variable references should be returned by reference

Same error when trying to login to backend.
Re: System Requirements for DrakeCMS
29 August 2007 12:29
Anonymous The problem most probably is the PHP version: it is not updated.

I will test personally since there is also another bug report with the same error - thanks both for the info!
Re: System Requirements for DrakeCMS
30 August 2007 00:08
Anonymous SVN v0.4.6 beta r4084 installs works fine on the freehost PHP5.

Is it really a bad idea to use SVN for a production site?
Re: System Requirements for DrakeCMS
31 August 2007 10:56
Anonymous YES, you will loose your data - unless you are going to manually fix the database

Btw, I have tried on Freehostia with PHP5 (and MySQL, which they offer for free too) and it works fine
Re: System Requirements for DrakeCMS
31 August 2007 12:21
Anonymous Sorry, but i don't understand. Why will I lose my data?
Does the database get wiped automatically?
Re: System Requirements for DrakeCMS
31 August 2007 13:00
Anonymous Because is for tests and general "playing" around new features, so we do not support databases created with the SVN version.

Read also this disclaimer

We 100% support official releases, SVN are unreleased code and so it is not official

Feel free to ask further questions