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Subsite index page default
05 October 2007 11:14
Anonymous I've just started creating sub-sites in Drake CMS and found that when I type in www.mydomain.com/subsite/ I get a blank page. www.mydomain.com/subsite/index.php works fine.

It is easy enough just to remove the index.htm page created by Drake CMS in the subsite folder so that it defaults to index.php but it might be easier on live sites if the index.htm was replaced by index.php as soon as the site went live.

If this should be under bugs or feature request please let me know. Still finding my feet as a newbie.
Re: Subsite index page default
05 October 2007 15:02
Anonymous Hi Galen, and welcome into our community smile
Yes - you found a small bug; I have just fixed it in the SVN trunk and the next release, v0.4.7 RC3, will contain the fix.

If you will find further bugs it would be better to post them in the bug tracker

Anyway, thanks for reporting it!