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Home page Help & Support > Something strange on forum website. Permanent link to this page
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Something strange on forum website.
28 November 2007 01:27
Anonymous I'm thinking this site might be powered by Drake CMS so if it is there seems to be a strange decoration on the page. I'm running Ubuntu 6.10 and firefox and I see something overwriting what appears to be the Documentation menu item on the left menu. Take a look at:


I can't make out what it says. Is that a known problem or have I a gremlin in my computer?

Oh, I'll quit posting for now.

Jim. unsure
Re: Something strange on forum website.
28 November 2007 02:01
Anonymous Hi

This site is running Drake CMS, the latest official release. It is updated as a new release occures.

I am using XP Pro and IE6, Firefix, Avant 11.5 and do not have the issue.

So it would suggest it is an operating system issue, I'll be back after a try with Vector Linux and its browsers..

Re: Something strange on forum website.
28 November 2007 02:17
Anonymous Aha..

Using Vecor Linux 5.1.1 and the display is as you have described.

So it is how it is rendered by the operating system and it is only occurring to the Documentation menu item.

You should post a bug to the tracker describing this issue.

Re: Something strange on forum website.
28 November 2007 08:38
Anonymous A bug report is not necessary, this is a layout issue of the template.

I have resized the text, seems like we should not use too long text for menu items