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Home page Help & Support > SQL Statement for A-Z Content? Permanent link to this page
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SQL Statement for A-Z Content?
15 March 2008 14:30
Anonymous Hi,

I just found the SQL-Query option and now I was asking myself, if it would be possible to have an sql statement which makes content categories from A-Z.

That would be a great advantage...

Can you help me to build this sql statement?
Re: SQL Statement for A-Z Content?
16 March 2008 12:26
Anonymous L.S.

First of all, you have to be VERY!! carefull with SQL-statements, your CMS can get corrupted very easily!!

To display the sections from DrakeCMS you might try something like:

select * from #__sections

More detailed categories (for all sections of DrakeCMS) you might try:
select * from #__categories

Once again, first make a tested backup of your database, to be absolutely sure download a working copy to your local computer (that is what I do).
You might also consider installing XAMPP (lite) and test it locally.

Remember, you might end up with a 'broken' system!!

Re: SQL Statement for A-Z Content?
16 March 2008 13:12
Anonymous Yeah, I know, I will first test it locally on my XAMPP installation.

And then I will look around...