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Problems with relocating my Drake Website
03 September 2007 21:13
Anonymous Hi

I've got big problems with relocating my drake website from my webserver at home to the final internet webserver.

The site works fine at my webserver at home - but when I load the page to the final internet webserver I always get the following error message when I call the website:

Warning: gzuncompress(): data error in /www/w/.../classes/gladius/gladius.php on line 800 Fatal error: Cannot redeclare __raw_strtoupper_cb() (previously declared in /www/w/.../includes/errtrace_funcs.php:92) in /www/w/.../includes/errtrace_funcs.php on line 92

First I thought the problem has something to do with gzip compression - but obliviously not - cause I turned off this option.

I also think it has nothing to do with permissions - since I tried this on my own webserver as well.

The funny thing is, the site already worked on the internet webserver in a very early version a few days ago (unfortunately I didn't backup the working version).

Help is really appreciated here!

Thanks a lot - Michael
Re: Problems with relocating my Drake Website
04 September 2007 00:08
Anonymous Hi

Have you tried doing a normal install to the final internet webserver then once installed and confirmed the installation is working then do a restore of a backup from your local webserver.

What is the server config for the sytem you are trying to install to? What Drake version?

Good Luck
Re: Problems with relocating my Drake Website
04 September 2007 08:28
Anonymous You found a Drake CMS bug, which is now fixed in v0.4.6 (not yet released).

If you want to fix the CMS before the release, perform the modifications published here:

http://drakecms.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/drakecms/trunk/includ e...
Re: Problems with relocating my Drake Website
04 September 2007 17:54
Anonymous @trex and legolas - thanks guys u two saved the day! I owe u a beer!

I first tried trex's approach and it worked fine - although it was more work than I thought.

I'll correct the bug at my site as soon as I find the time!

thx again and cheers

Re: Problems with relocating my Drake Website
05 September 2007 01:58
Anonymous Hey...good news..

Just a word of caution, we are still in beta, anything can and is likely to change as each new beta release is made..in the next beta release the imlementing of feature requests in particular will bring new functionality to Drake CMS.

Good Luck
