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Home page Help & Support > Problems installing Permanent link to this page
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Problems installing
18 July 2007 08:53
Anonymous Hi all, I'm trying to use Drake for a group website and I'm having trouble getting out of the door for some reason. I uploaded Drake to another folder so that I can play around with it before I move it to the proper website however the second I go to the directory I'm presented with this error message:

Directory Listing Denied
This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.

All of my files have been uploaded as 755. Any ideas? Oh yeah and I want to install this as a flat file without using any database. Is there something I've got to do before hand to ensure that this goes through?
Re: Problems installing
18 July 2007 14:46
Anonymous Hi

Can you provide some more info: eg, server enviroment, hosting enviroment, Drake version

The default install uses Gladius, there is no need to do any preinstall housekeeping.
Re: Problems installing
18 July 2007 16:35
Anonymous Hey thanks for getting back to me. With regards to the hosting environment, it's for a mini site at work. The local IT boys don't use MYSQL and so I'm trying to set it up without one. It's the latest 0.45 version of the CMS. tHANKS A LOT.
Re: Problems installing
19 July 2007 08:58
Anonymous Be sure to be pointing at the right path; Drake CMS has not yet been executed if you cannot reach the index.php file...