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Home page Help & Support > No news on frontpage here? Permanent link to this page
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No news on frontpage here?
07 June 2007 05:27
Anonymous I am missing the news at the frontpage, In my opinion you should add the news to v. 0.4.3 on the frontpage...

And there is another thing:
The Links on the menue for documentation, bug tracker and downloads are not correctly displayed:

Look Here

Re : No news on frontpage here?
07 June 2007 07:18
Anonymous You are not seeing the frontpage news because of a bug in XHTML which does not render well in MSIE; it will soon be fixed.

About the menu: it is rendered correctly, the arrow have been added on purpose. Or there is something else?
Re : No news on frontpage here?
07 June 2007 08:22
Anonymous I am getting the same thing, it is the centering of the menu item in its place...vertical centering NOT horizontal..

Edit: The addition of the arrow.png image is overiding the formating..
Re : No news on frontpage here?
07 June 2007 17:34
Anonymous Now it looks right...