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Home page Help & Support > New User Registration Permanent link to this page
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New User Registration
24 February 2008 00:33
Anonymous How do you set it up such that an administrator has to authorize a registration before the registration authorization email is sent to the registrant? Also is it possible to have a registration note to be sent to the administrator along with the registration request. For example I am planning on putting a site up for a condominium association and as part of the sign up would like them to tell me which condo they own.
Re: New User Registration
24 February 2008 01:55
Anonymous Hi

Options for user registration can be found here:

1. Login to backend
2. Select Menu->Main Menu->Registration as to whether user is notified and/or activated or it needs admin to do same..

Set options as you require..

You will need to look at the rego form re the personalising of the input info..

Re: New User Registration
24 February 2008 03:05
Anonymous hmmm. Doesn't seem to work for me. Either there is no invite to register or the registration if immediate. I assumed that by setting "Enable user registration for new users" to "Yes" and then setting "Enable User Activation" to "No" that that would work but that allows immediate registration. If I set "Enable user registration for new users" to "No" then there is no invite to create an account. What I want is something that allows people to apply for registration and then for the administrator to activate or deny the registration request.

Also were is the "rego" form set? Thx.
Re: New User Registration
24 February 2008 05:37
Anonymous Ok...

You cannot currently do exactly what you want ie..

Somone registers and then an email is sent to the admin so they can activate the account...

The closests is:
1. New user registers
2. An email is set to them with a generated password and a link to validate their registration.
3. An email is sent to the admin saying a new user has registered..

Options set like this:
Enable user registration for new users Yes
Enable user activation Yes
Send plain password in activation/registration emails Yes
Enable XUP support Yes
CAPTCHA test before registration submission Yes
Send notification email on new user registration Yes

CAPTCHA enabled just adds another layer of anti spamming etc.

If you think it is really needed, submit a feature request..

You will find the relevant coe etc in the components/registration folder

Its up to you if you want to make a local modification..

Good Luck