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Home page Help & Support > More content modules. Is it possible? Permanent link to this page
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More content modules. Is it possible?
12 March 2008 21:22
Anonymous Content module is a very nice feature. It allows you to put what you want, where you want on the pages you want. For example it is good for adds, for an front page slide-show image gallery, news slide, for a lot of needs. But there is just one type of this module :(. It would be a very nice ideea if you could integrate more than one (content1, content2, content3...; five would be excellent). Or can we replicate modules somehow?
Content module is also a more powerfull feature than wrapper.
What do you think about this?
Re: More content modules. Is it possible?
13 March 2008 13:13
Anonymous Hi

You can create additional instances of modules via the admin backend..

Go to the backend:
Menu -> System -> Modules Manager..select New

then select the module you wish to create a new instance of. Manage it as for any other module...

Re: More content modules. Is it possible?
13 March 2008 13:39
Anonymous Wow thanks Trex, i was so idiot. I never pressed New .... there whistling.
Now, definitely, i`m not anymore interested in other CMS-s devil
Re: More content modules. Is it possible?
22 March 2008 13:44
Anonymous Eheh cool

I can't wait myself for Lanius CMS, when 3rd party software installation will be supported