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Missing [Read more] button in archive
27 July 2007 11:38
Anonymous L.S.

Glad to see DrakeCMS mature so rapidly! Compliments for the support!
Until now I've used it to publish some news-items.
I noticed that in the archive the button [Read more] is not displayed. So there is no way to read the full article:(
Is this supposed to be?

Arno Rog

p.s. excited about the pdf-possibility (unfortunately only on PHP5)
Re: Missing [Read more] button in archive
27 July 2007 16:38
Anonymous Hi

Thanks for your support, its not far now..:-)

The issue you describe appears to be a bug, submit via the bug tracker...legolas558 is working on the next release so this will be resolved for that release..

Thanks again, its all the users giving Drake a workout that are getting all these minor issues out of the way before the first RC....

Re: Missing [Read more] button in archive
02 August 2007 10:15
Anonymous Should be fixed now