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Home page Help & Support > Menu item "Messages"? (Message Center) Permanent link to this page
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Menu item "Messages"? (Message Center)
15 March 2008 13:40
Anonymous Hi,

I have got a question.
What can I do with the so called Message Center ?

What can I do there=?

I didn't find out the meaning of this component...

Re: Menu item "Messages"? (Message Center)
15 March 2008 14:19
Anonymous L.S.

The messages that are entered from the contact-section at the front-end are actually not sent via e-mail but stored in the database.

In the admin-backend these messages are displayed in the Message Center. You can also reply to them from this message Center.

The number which is displayed behind the messages-icon in the toolbar in the admin backend indicates the number of unread messages.

Hope this helps.

Re: Menu item "Messages"? (Message Center)
15 March 2008 14:25
Anonymous This helps me a lot!

I was wondering about this function, but now I understand!

Re: Menu item "Messages"? (Message Center)
22 March 2008 13:43
Anonymous There are plans (mostly suggested by rsavarese) to extend the backend com_message and the frontend com_contact, see also the relative feature request.

To be seen on Lanius CMS smile