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Main menu and search
28 June 2007 11:07
Anonymous Hi there!
Deleting the search from the main menu seems to broke the search module (i think because of priviledge missing).

Don't sure if is a bug...

Thanks Roberto
Re: Main menu and search
28 June 2007 12:57
Anonymous This is "normal" because the search component is installed (otherwise you would have got a not found error) but there is no active instance for it.

If you want to preserve the search functionality but not want an explicit menu instance for the search component, you might want to create a search component instance in the "hiddenmenu" which is not visible.
Re: Main menu and search
28 June 2007 13:09
Anonymous Hi Legolas!
Thnx for the reply i will go for the hidden menu solution.

Thnx bye Roberto