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Home page Help & Support > Logon problems Permanent link to this page
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Logon problems
28 November 2007 19:47
Anonymous Hello!
In this article I reported problems to log me in as administrator. I wondered how both Opera and Mozilla forgot the saved pwd. I installed the current Drake version (v048) into a new directory. Now I have two observations:
1. it seems that no other name than 'admin' is accepted for login. I can use other names during installation but directly after installation they don't work. Why? Can this be?
2. Finally I chose 'admin' as admin name and I can logon but only for some seconds. At latest the second click in the administration pane throws me out and shows the login screen again. I cannot set the system up in that way! E.g. for changing the main menu I need 2 clicks. What's up there? It's no problem of the browser, because it appars with opera and mozilla. It's no problem of drake, because no one reported such a behaviour. Can it be a misconfiguration of the web server? Any ideas? Suspicions?

Thanks for all helpful comments. I'd like to publish the site in january...

Re: Logon problems
28 November 2007 21:13
Anonymous Quote by Roland:

In this article I reported problems to log me in as administrator. I wondered how both Opera and Mozilla forgot the saved pwd.

Sorry for not having replied to that post before...I have now posted a reply
I installed the current Drake version (v048) into a new directory. Now I have two observations:
1. it seems that no other name than 'admin' is accepted for login. I can use other names during installation but directly after installation they don't work. Why? Can this be?

The newly created users should at least be Publishers to be able to access the admin backend. Or else, be sure that your browser is not filling in with the wrong password.
2. Finally I chose 'admin' as admin name and I can logon but only for some seconds. At latest the second click in the administration pane throws me out and shows the login screen again. I cannot set the system up in that way! E.g. for changing the main menu I need 2 clicks. What's up there? It's no problem of the browser, because it appars with opera and mozilla. It's no problem of drake, because no one reported such a behaviour. Can it be a misconfiguration of the web server? Any ideas? Suspicions?

I think I know what causes this problem. PHP sessions (it's not a Drake CMS issue).

I will explain what happens on your server (since it also happened here on the Drake CMS official website server), and how to fix it.

  1. you make a POST (when logging in) and the user is logged in. The web page in the response is a web response of a logged in administrator

  2. on the next GET request (when browsing any page of the backend) Drake CMS checks for the PHP session and it is found to be empty. That's because the previous login did not successfully save data to the PHP session

  3. hence you get the ghost login issue

Solution: go download this file from SVN. Create the SQL table using the commented CREATE TABLE statement. Paste the rest of the code into your private/custom_session.php before the @session_start() line. Go edit classes/captcha.png.php uncommenting the marked lines (there is a comment there).

This will cause all your sessions to be stored in your database.

P.S. that code will be in the default Drake CMS but left commented - so it will be easier for other users to apply this modification


Thanks for all helpful comments. I'd like to publish the site in january...

Good luck! smileI am sure you will have a very stable Drake CMS before January.
Re: Logon problems
02 December 2007 17:27
Anonymous Quote by legolas558:

Solution: go download this file from SVN. Create the SQL table using the commented CREATE TABLE statement. Paste the rest of the code into your private/custom_session.php before the @session_start() line. Go edit classes/captcha.png.php uncommenting the marked lines (there is a comment there).

Thank you. I modified the files. The remaining question is: how can I access the Gladius DB? Is there a command line access? Or do I have to work directly on the files? How?
Re: Logon problems
02 December 2007 18:11
Anonymous We are working on an interface similar to phpMyAdmin.

There is no command line interface, you can make queries from the Drake CMS backend using the System -> Database -> Queries.

Manual Drake CMS database modification is discouraged, for any DBMS.

Gladius DB is a fully functional DBMS, you will have no problems at using it for other purposes. See the Gladius DB project
Re: Logon problems
04 December 2007 18:40
Anonymous But how can I drop command there if I get thrown out of the backend when I send any GET request?
Can I modify the commands which generate the tables during setup?
Re: Logon problems
04 December 2007 19:31
Anonymous Quote by Roland:

But how can I drop command there if I get thrown out of the backend when I send any GET request?
Can I modify the commands which generate the tables during setup?

You have not correctly setup Drake CMS with db-based sessions.

With 0.4.9 the dbsession drabot is available. Go edit install/inserts.sql at line 292:


INSERT INTO #__drabots (id,name,type,element,showon,access,ordering,iscore,params)
VALUES (18,'DB session','core','dbsession','',0,19,0,'');

And then install the modified v0.4.9. It should work.

Please note that this is not a Drake CMS problem but a PHP sessions problem, although we are providing a workaround and are in the mood of supporting it.

So, if you will have problems with dbsession enabled, we will help you till the resolution.
Re: Logon problems
05 December 2007 22:00
Anonymous Hey, it seems to work!!!
Thanks a lot.
Re: Logon problems
05 December 2007 22:39
Anonymous Quote by Roland:

Hey, it seems to work!!!
Thanks a lot.

Of course! We are using it here on the official website!