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Home page Help & Support > Introdcution text field missing ? Permanent link to this page
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Introdcution text field missing ?
01 June 2007 01:07
Anonymous I wanted to create some Content, but I have to type in an introduction(Einleitungsgtext).
But I do not see there an introduction text field...

Where ist it?
Re : Introdcution text field missing ?
01 June 2007 04:53
Anonymous Quote:

I wanted to create some Content, but I have to type in an introduction(Einleitungsgtext).
But I do not see there an introduction text field...

Where ist it?

blinkCan you explain how to trigger this issue?

Does still happen? And does it happen with a fresh Drake CMS installation?
Re : Introdcution text field missing ?
01 June 2007 19:56
Anonymous Well, I created a new Content Category and wanted to create some new content, and there wasn't a field to type in my introduction text..

Look here (Screenshot)

I made a screenshiot, to show you my problem, this drake installation is not old^^
I just restored my old backup and installed the german language.

Re : Introdcution text field missing ?
01 June 2007 20:46
Anonymous From that partial screenshort I can see that there is a tinyMCE textarea for the introductory text. I can't see the rest of the page which is clipped but I guess the other tinyMCE textarea is there too. wassat
Re : Introdcution text field missing ?
02 June 2007 00:27
Anonymous Oh, I see, it works.. I do not understand anything..:silly: shocked
Why does it work, when I made my screenshot it didn*t work..
I always got the error that my introduction text is missing, 100% I typed one!
I do not understand drake anylonger... It seemed to be that drake takes me for a ride... cool

I'm now a bit confused, when you understand my situation..

Re : Introdcution text field missing ?
02 June 2007 02:07
Anonymous Maybe you had switched from simple to advanced? That is known to not work properly