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Home page Help & Support > Importing tarball backup? (RC 1) Permanent link to this page
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Importing tarball backup? (RC 1)
13 September 2007 16:48
Anonymous Hello,

I succesfully imported the database from version 0.4.5 to the newest drake version 0.4.6 RC1

Then I wanted to import the tarball backup with the user data, but I don't kow how to do it?

Have I to unpack the things to private/ `?

I downloaded the normal drake package and installed it...

Re: Importing tarball backup? (RC 1)
13 September 2007 16:58
Anonymous Hi Siedlerchr,

a better way is to upload the tarball into '/private/backup/' and then go to 'System -> Tarball Backup' in the admin area, select the uploaded tarball end press 'Update' - that's it!

Good luck ...
Re: Importing tarball backup? (RC 1)
13 September 2007 17:08
Anonymous Thx, I will try it...
Re: Importing tarball backup? (RC 1)
13 September 2007 18:09
Anonymous ERRR...!

The 'Update' action will update the selected tarball archive with the contents of the current website, not viceversa!

Actually there is no 'Restore' feature because on some systems it might not be possible to overwrite the currently executed php script.

To restore a tarball backup you should extract it (eventually overwriting) in the Drake CMS root folder; you should always set the flag 'user data only' when restoring between different Drake CMS versions, otherwise you will downgrade your Drake CMS and 100% break it (if you are not using a flatfile database system your database data will still be in place, luckly)!

Once done that, you can restore the database backup (if it was attached to the tarball archive) since it will be found in place under private/backups
Re: Importing tarball backup? (RC 1)
13 September 2007 20:07
Anonymous Ok, I only selected only user data, ok I have to do it manually...
I will try at ´the next time..
Re: Importing tarball backup? (RC 1)
13 September 2007 20:22
Anonymous Quote:

Ok, I only selected only user data, ok I have to do it manually...
I will try at ´the next time..

You might use veloce.php to do the dirty work
Re: Importing tarball backup? (RC 1)
15 September 2007 11:09
Anonymous Can you post the link, to the veloce.php? I'm sorry, that I've lost the link.. sad
Re: Importing tarball backup? (RC 1)
15 September 2007 12:02
Anonymous Hi

You could simply download the latest releasae with the Veloce script..See Here
Re: Importing tarball backup? (RC 1)
16 September 2007 14:56
Anonymous Ok, I will do it with RC 2...
