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Home page Help & Support > How do I make a new page? Permanent link to this page
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How do I make a new page?
11 May 2007 00:03
Anonymous I don't know if that is the right question, but I'm not sure what the right question is. I am making a very very simple template just to experiment with what content is loaded from which module.

In my first test, all I want is the main content of a particular "page". No news, no blog, no comments, just a plain 'ol web page.
Say I have pages "Home", "About Me" and "Hobbies".

I want the Home page to show an introduction to my site. I want the "About Me" page to show information about who I am. I want the "Hobbies" page to give some information about my hobbies.

I can't figure out how to do this. Do I add a new "Section" for the content for each page I want?
Re : How do I make a new page?
11 May 2007 00:36
Anonymous Please read this forum topic

Regards cheerful
Re : How do I make a new page?
11 May 2007 01:13
Anonymous Thank you! That helped.