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Home page Help & Support > Hiddenmenu - idea and access Permanent link to this page
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Hiddenmenu - idea and access
08 December 2007 16:53
Anonymous Hi,
I read several references to the 'hiddenmenu'. What is it? What's the idea of it? Does it exist on default? How can I add something to it?
Re: Hiddenmenu - idea and access
09 December 2007 12:49
Anonymous Quote by Roland:
I read several references to the 'hiddenmenu'. What is it? What's the idea of it? Does it exist on default? How can I add something to it?

Now called "servicemenu"..

Yes it exists on a default install...

You will find it under Menu in the backend, you can add to it like any menu...

I will leave the "what is it" etc to a more technical person...but...it is essential...so don't delet it :-)

Re: Hiddenmenu - idea and access
10 December 2007 11:22
Anonymous The "servicemenu" (formerly hiddenmenu) is used for components which need to be accessed but not necessarily have an associated menu item in any other menu.

So, the "servicemenu" contains always active components which should necessarily be active even if there is no menu item for them.

This is probably not the cleanest approach, but it works - you can remove menu items from the servicemenu if you have the same component instances in some other active menu.