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Home page Help & Support > Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem Permanent link to this page
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Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
30 May 2007 02:15
Anonymous Hi, need a bit of advice / help with the Drake gallery component. I'm working with the latest beta 0.4.2 and can't seem to get rid of the 'Submit a picture to this category' link in the front end. Now, I know the link is present when you're logged into the admin back-end - but it should disappear when logged out.

When I try a new, default install and test this it work fine - but in the site I'm working on I can't stop the public link to upload to the gallery category. It's obviously something I've done or mis-configured in the back-end. For the purposes of this site I've unpublished most of the usual Drake modules as I don't need the functionality. What's the trigger to hid the 'submit' front-end link when you log-out from the back-end?

I have the Registration and Contact components switched off in the Global Config and most of the modules unpublished except for Menu. The site was built from scratch (from a new instal of 0.4.2).

Any ideas.......

If you're interested the site is here (definitely not a typical Drake site!!):
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
30 May 2007 18:43
Anonymous In the admin backend, open the Menu -> usermenu page and then remove the items that you don't like.

You can also set a higher access level for them (for example, administrators).

Let me know if you fixed the problem smile
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
30 May 2007 19:22
Anonymous No, that didn't solve it. I deleted the upload a picture link from the user menu as suggested but the on-page (i.e. in the content area of the gallery category page) 'Submit a picture to this category' link is still present after admin log-out!!!

I don't have the user menu module published if that makes a difference.

Actually, I've just test published the user menu which appears and then disappears from the front end of the site after log-out as normal - all working correctly - it's just the on-page link as mentioned above.
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
31 May 2007 02:00
Anonymous Oh, now I understand what you mean!

You have to change the editgroup for that gallery category, e.g. set it to administrators for example
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
31 May 2007 06:10
Anonymous By editgroup do you mean: components > Gallery > Categories - then the Access group within my gallery category - because changing that to say administrators stops the gallery being viewable by the public in the front-end. I want the public to view the gallery but not be able to upload new images to it - only administrators.

Again a brand new default install behaves correctly - It's just I've done something or an error has occurred while building this particular site to course this strange persistent link. But I've not modified any of the php files in any way. I just can't work it out!
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
31 May 2007 06:54
Anonymous Perplexing...I understand what you are about...I have tried to recreate the error but have had no luck...

On the clean installs, have you backed up the Poppys site and then restored it to the clean install.

The template that you are using may also have something to do with the issue.
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
31 May 2007 15:13
Anonymous Quote:

By editgroup do you mean: components > Gallery > Categories - then the Access group within my gallery category - because changing that to say administrators stops the gallery being viewable by the public in the front-end. I want the public to view the gallery but not be able to upload new images to it - only administrators.

Again a brand new default install behaves correctly - It's just I've done something or an error has occurred while building this particular site to course this strange persistent link. But I've not modified any of the php files in any way. I just can't work it out!

:| I have just realized that the editgroup is not customizable for gallery categories! I will implement the feature and it will be available in v0.4.3; meanwhile, to fix your installation, please do this operation:

  1. backup your database (for safety)

  2. go to the gallery category page where there is this unwanted submit link

  3. look at the URL and locate the catid=nn part, take the number nn

  4. go into the admin backend and open the System -> Database -> Query database page

  5. [li]execute the following query:

  6. Code:
    UPDATE dk_categories SET editgroup=5 WHERE id=NN

  7. be sure to replace NN with the number you got in step 3[/li]

Now the submit link will be shown to admins only
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
31 May 2007 15:13
Anonymous Quote:

Perplexing...I understand what you are about...I have tried to recreate the error but have had no luck...

On the clean installs, have you backed up the Poppys site and then restored it to the clean install.

The template that you are using may also have something to do with the issue.

No, luckly the template has nothing to do with that smile
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
31 May 2007 15:27
Anonymous Quote:

If you're interested the site is here (definitely not a typical Drake site!!):

My compliments, I like very much the design!

Maybe we have a new template artist here wink
Please note that with the next release the CSS may change and become easier to understand and customize. The CSS restructuration is planned for the next v0.4.3, but might shift to v0.4.4 if the CSS developers do not finish it soon enough. I hope you will not have major troubles with it; anyway, the CSS changes will be publicly announced in the release news.
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
31 May 2007 15:29
Anonymous Just out of curiosity how do you think the error developed.

A standard install is OK, so it had to have something to do with the customising of the site etc....
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
31 May 2007 15:45
Anonymous Quote:

Just out of curiosity how do you think the error developed.

A standard install is OK, so it had to have something to do with the customising of the site etc....

It is not actually an error: the editgroup field is by default assigned to Publishers for all categories.
But, maybe the user has restored the database from an earlier version...and maybe it was set to editgroup 1 in the past (Registered users)
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
01 June 2007 06:41
Anonymous Well done people! The database query to change the editgroup did the trick - the upload link is hidden from the public front-end.

I'm not really sure how the editgroup for this category became changed - if it should be set for Publishers by default i.e. when the category is first created.

The whole site was re-built from the ground-up (no database upload) in beta 0.4.1 and then a database back-up was uploaded into a fresh 0.4.2 install - but at that point the image gallery was not even started. The gallery was then added in the 0.4.2 version - it was at this point I noticed that the submit image link was not disappearing as it should after an admin log-out.

I'm not too worried about planned CSS changes - I know the CSS styles for this site (at the moment) is a mismatch of redundant and inherited entries from various beta versions (I've been fiddling with this site from a very early beta). When the Drake CSS implementation has settled down I will clean up my styles, test on a off-line version and then update the live site.
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
01 June 2007 08:24
Anonymous I noticed that your website has no "Powered by Drake CMS" link.

Wouldn't be fair to show such link for a free CMS for which you get some free support?

Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
04 June 2007 03:55
Anonymous Quote:

I noticed that your website has no "Powered by Drake CMS" link.

Wouldn't be fair to show such link for a free CMS for which you get some free support?


OK, that's done - I was going to do that anyway wink
Re : Gallery front-end Upload Link Problem
04 June 2007 05:37
Anonymous Ok - no problem smile
The whole situation would have sounded like a (bad) joke otherwise...