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Home page Help & Support > Forbidden? Permanent link to this page
Author Message:
19 July 2007 21:37
Anonymous hello,

i have a problem with permission to access some pages. as you can see there: http://www.entergame.sk/index.php?option=content&task=categor y&id=8&Itemid=10&/General
this problem is only on pages where is slash and page(content) name in the end of url. for example if you delete "/General" from url which i wrote above the page will load ok. I would like ask for help. Where is problem?
Thanks for any answers.
Rasto S
Re: Forbidden?
20 July 2007 00:04
Anonymous Hi

No immediate answer but have you confirmed permissions for all dirs and subdirs of the site are set correctly.

Re: Forbidden?
20 July 2007 05:19
Anonymous i have assigned 755 file permissions to all files and folders.
Re: Forbidden?
20 July 2007 19:47
Anonymous Most probably you have a weak security mechanism which scans the GET queries for strange characters; since the '&/' sequence seems suspect, it terminates the request. I have now modified the SEF urls generation so that the forward slash is no more used (a hyphen is used instead)

I hope it will fix the issue for other users too smile
Re: Forbidden?
21 July 2007 06:57
Anonymous thanks, now is all ok smile

Rasto S