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Home page Help & Support > Error , Can't submit hashes Permanent link to this page
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Error , Can't submit hashes
01 October 2007 21:36
Anonymous Hi,

I got two errors and can't submit them!
Please fix it!
Re: Error , Can't submit hashes
01 October 2007 23:36
Anonymous Hi

I notice you submited bug 1805927, is there still a problem or has it now resolved itself.

Re: Error , Can't submit hashes
02 October 2007 13:37
Anonymous One error was due to my german language, which doesn't happen again.
The other error happens again and again, this is what I sumbitted,
I tried to import a tarball backup
Re: Error , Can't submit hashes
02 October 2007 15:17
Anonymous Hi

Sorry, I thought you were saying you could not submit a bug report, ie there was something wrong with the sourceforge bug tracker submission process, then I saw you had submitted a bug to the tracker, I was asking if the problem with the submitting was now over..

Re: Error , Can't submit hashes
03 October 2007 16:22
Anonymous Quote:


Sorry, I thought you were saying you could not submit a bug report, ie there was something wrong with the sourceforge bug tracker submission process, then I saw you had submitted a bug to the tracker, I was asking if the problem with the submitting was now over..


Oh, I think we misunderstood, sorry. silly

My problem:
-Tried to import tarball backup, I selected the bakcup and clicked ok.

=> Drake CMS unhandled error (with Hash-Submitting Link)
=> I clicked the link and nothing happend.
=> I submitted the hash manually.

But now Hash checking seems working

Re: Error , Can't submit hashes
03 October 2007 17:23
Anonymous Ok, all now understood....
Re: Error , Can't submit hashes
04 October 2007 21:30
Anonymous Quote:



Sorry, I thought you were saying you could not submit a bug report, ie there was something wrong with the sourceforge bug tracker submission process, then I saw you had submitted a bug to the tracker, I was asking if the problem with the submitting was now over..


Oh, I think we misunderstood, sorry. silly

My problem:
-Tried to import tarball backup, I selected the bakcup and clicked ok.

=> Drake CMS unhandled error (with Hash-Submitting Link)
=> I clicked the link and nothing happend.
=> I submitted the hash manually.

But now Hash checking seems working

Maybe you got a blank page? SF.net servers are experiencing some troubles recently...glad to see that the problem is now solved
Re: Error , Can't submit hashes
04 October 2007 23:18
Anonymous Yep, I got a blank page, but now it works, no poblems.
I think it was a temporarily problem.
Re: Error , Can't submit hashes
05 October 2007 09:56
Anonymous Quote:

Yep, I got a blank page, but now it works, no poblems.
I think it was a temporarily problem.

Yes it most probably was - and unfortunately we have experienced some other in the past and they are out of our control; we can just report them to the SF.net staff.

Please keep reporting us about missing responses (blank pages) with the exact time of the incidents; we will document the problem to the SF.net staff

Best regards
Re: Error , Can't submit hashes
05 October 2007 15:42
Anonymous Again, I get a wihte page:

Link: http://drakecms.sourceforge.net/services/error.php?ehash=BFFHDEGM
Date: Friday, 5 October 2007, 16:40 GMT + 01:00