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Home page Help & Support > Drake CMS on www.110mb.com hosting Permanent link to this page
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Drake CMS on www.110mb.com hosting
01 April 2008 16:26
Anonymous I've registered on 110mb and use their free hosting plan.
As soon as it has no MySQL (it has but that's not free anymore) and my site intention is mostly for personal and training needs I do not plan spend money so I have chosen Drake as flat-file CMS.
But they also limited some other stuff (CGI, Perl, Python, Custom error pages, .htaccess/.htpasswd Support, PHP Sendmail, fsockopen function (this could be open for free but not so easy)). I just curious, is it possible to run Drake CMS there still keeping hosting free? This is not expencive really, just my curiousity.

Please advise what of this so called 'upgrades' are essential?
Thank you in advance.
Re: Drake CMS on www.110mb.com hosting
02 April 2008 00:53
Basic install should still work...lack of mail functions may be a bit of a PITA...otherwise try it..

I have found some file extensions are not allowed...gza being one..
Re: Drake CMS on www.110mb.com hosting
02 April 2008 01:46
Anonymous Well LaniusCMS installed with just a couple of small issues, had to create the lcms dir manually, doesn't seem to be any mail functions working...

Otherwise slow, but useable..
Re: Drake CMS on www.110mb.com hosting
02 April 2008 22:25
Anonymous Thanks for comments.

Some more quiestions (not much):
1. Got this message during install:
PHP setting magic_quotes_gpc is set On
Drake CMS does not need this weak security mechanism, possible slowdown in all operation
Can I change this or the hosting administration only?

2. regarding the mentioned features - I do not understand what some of them mean for me. As for CGI, Perl, Python - that is a possibility to run some server side programs which I probaby do not need. Custom error pages - obvious and works despite of information from hosting provider; .htaccess/.htpasswd Support, - no idea (or maybe some minor ones); PHP Sendmail - understand and will activate, fsockopen - please explain - if critical will activate.

3. Why should I 'create lcms or other dir manually'? I've installed CMS in root folder - it works (obviously without email).

Please advise.

P.S. Please check my message in Russian Translation Section of forum. Please treat it as application for translator.
You mentioned Lanius, isn't it the same or there is some other installation that I should use? Lanius site is empty so far...
My website will be at rastermaster.110mb.com - you can check now partial russian translation only. everything else not yet customised.
Re: Drake CMS on www.110mb.com hosting
12 April 2008 19:08
Anonymous Quote by rastermaster:

1. Got this message during install:
PHP setting magic_quotes_gpc is set On
Drake CMS does not need this weak security mechanism, possible slowdown in all operation
Can I change this or the hosting administration only?

I guess you cannot, don't worry about it - it will not affect functionality

Quote by rastermaster:

2. regarding the mentioned features - I do not understand what some of them mean for me. As for CGI, Perl, Python - that is a possibility to run some server side programs which I probaby do not need. Custom error pages - obvious and works despite of information from hosting provider; .htaccess/.htpasswd Support, - no idea (or maybe some minor ones);

If you have .htaccess support then you might try to add php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off on it, but it's just for performance

Quote by rastermaster:

PHP Sendmail - understand and will activate,

necessary to send emails directly from the server, via sendmail (google it)

Quote by rastermaster:

fsockopen - please explain - if critical will activate.

Necessary to open sockets from the server. Look for php.net/fsockopen

Quote by rastermaster:

3. Why should I 'create lcms or other dir manually'? I've installed CMS in root folder - it works (obviously without email).

that step was necessary only if trying an SVN version of Drake CMS, don't care about it.


P.S. Please check my message in Russian Translation Section of forum. Please treat it as application for translator.

You will be advised when we are ready to collect translations, right now we are moving to the new project.


You mentioned Lanius, isn't it the same or there is some other installation that I should use? Lanius site is empty so far...
My website will be at rastermaster.110mb.com - you can check now partial russian translation only. everything else not yet customised.

It's the same so far, when the website will appear then we will be almost finished moving.