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Downloads - columns, size etc.
18 July 2007 10:39
Anonymous Hello

How can I make my downloads section be visually user - friendly?
Look at my site .Here

Can columns be arranged in the right way?
Maybe "added on" little bit to the right - and also names and date in the same line as titles?
Also "size" doesn't seem to work (N/A).

What to do? - I guess it is quite easy to change.

Best Regards
Re: Downloads - columns, size etc.
18 July 2007 14:55
Anonymous Hi

One way to improve the display is to not show anything in the "right" position for when Downloads is the active window...just gives a little more room for display purposes..

Re: Downloads - columns, size etc.
19 July 2007 08:56
Anonymous Please collect all your suggestions into a bug tracker item and we will address it correctly - we are interested in improving the user interface!

Thank you very much!
Re: Downloads - columns, size etc.
23 July 2007 12:07
Anonymous Hi,
With latest version (3966) everything seems to work fine!

