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Home page Help & Support > Download manager - some issues Permanent link to this page
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Download manager - some issues
18 September 2007 11:17
Anonymous Currently I use/test DrakeCMS v0.4.7 RC2 4389 and I must say a lot of problems have been fixed since RC1 - well done DrakeTeam!

But I encountered some strange behavior with the 'download manager':

1) It isn't possible to reorder items unter 'Categories' or 'Downloads' due to the fact that there is no adequate button.

2) When uploading a file with 'New -> File upload' all filenames get an alphanumeric prefix, separated with a '_'. And when downloading these files, the described prefix is cut of again.
So far so good - but if a file is too big to upload via the 'File upload' feature you have to upload it manually into the /private/downloads/ directory and link it with the 'Local Path' option as a downloadable file. And if this filename contains any '_', the whole part of the name up to and including the first '_' is truncated by downloading the file.
I think, this is a bit confusing, compared to the behavior of the 'File Manager' component, uploading files without prefix.

3) The 'Browse' button under 'New Download -> Local Path' opens a fileselection window, but there you can't switch to the 'downloads' directory (where I normally transfer downloadable files via ftp). Furthermore you always have to resize the fileselection window to show the OK an Cancel buttons - which is a bit annoying but possibly a problem of the browser software (I use firefox
Re: Download manager - some issues
18 September 2007 12:27
Anonymous Quote:

Currently I use/test DrakeCMS v0.4.7 RC2 4389 and I must say a lot of problems have been fixed since RC1 - well done DrakeTeam!

We're just halfway smileThanks


But I encountered some strange behavior with the 'download manager':

1) It isn't possible to reorder items unter 'Categories' or 'Downloads' due to the fact that there is no adequate button.

The reorder button should be there now.


2) When uploading a file with 'New -> File upload' all filenames get an alphanumeric prefix, separated with a '_'. And when downloading these files, the described prefix is cut of again.
So far so good - but if a file is too big to upload via the 'File upload' feature you have to upload it manually into the /private/downloads/ directory and link it with the 'Local Path' option as a downloadable file. And if this filename contains any '_', the whole part of the name up to and including the first '_' is truncated by downloading the file.

That's because the protect flag is not behaving correctly. It should rename the file, please say if it's ok with the latest revision


I think, this is a bit confusing, compared to the behavior of the 'File Manager' component, uploading files without prefix.

The prefix does not get added if you do not enable the protect flag


3) The 'Browse' button under 'New Download -> Local Path' opens a fileselection window, but there you can't switch to the 'downloads' directory (where I normally transfer downloadable files via ftp).

It should now be accessible

Furthermore you always have to resize the fileselection window to show the OK an Cancel buttons - which is a bit annoying but possibly a problem of the browser software (I use firefox

It is a big bigger now
Re: Download manager - some issues
18 September 2007 16:22
Anonymous Re-testing with rev 4400:

The reorder button should be there now.

Button is there, but doesn't have any effect. sad
Unfortunately I can't test 2) and 3) because of the following error which occurs when pressing 'New' or 'Edit' in 'Manage downloads':

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: scriptedui_class in /home/whuber-de/htdocs/_whcms/admin/classes/ui.php on line 744
Re: Download manager - some issues
19 September 2007 02:15
Bug report submitted...
Re: Download manager - some issues
19 September 2007 11:47
Anonymous The reorder button should now be ok and the bug fixed
Re: Download manager - some issues
20 September 2007 12:10
Anonymous @legolas558

That's because the protect flag is not behaving correctly. It should rename the file, please say if it's ok with the latest revision

Names of already uploaded files are still truncated from their beginning up to and including the first '_' - but only if they contain any '_'.

The prefix does not get added if you do not enable the protect flag

Maybe a stupid question - but where to enable/disable this 'protect flag'?
BTW at present I cant't test it because of this bug.
Re: Download manager - some issues
20 September 2007 16:23
Anonymous Quote:


It's not necessary to address forum posts to a specific users - who has the knowledge will answer


That's because the protect flag is not behaving correctly. It should rename the file, please say if it's ok with the latest revision

Names of already uploaded files are still truncated from their beginning up to and including the first '_' - but only if they contain any '_'.

So the code still needs some checks... sad

The prefix does not get added if you do not enable the protect flag

Maybe a stupid question - but where to enable/disable this 'protect flag'?

It's not stupid, the "protect flag" I was talking about is the option which says "Serve all files via PHP..."


BTW at present I cant't test it because of this bug.

That should be fixed by now
Re: Download manager - some issues
20 September 2007 16:39
Anonymous Quote:
It's not stupid, the "protect flag" I was talking about is the option which says "Serve all files via PHP..."

Ahh - I guessed something like this, but now I'm sure smile