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Column question
10 June 2007 15:18
Anonymous Hello,

This website has 3 columns on the homepage, and 2 on subpages and I can not figure out how to do this in Drake. Anyone know how to do this?

I'm using Drake for my university rec center website I am rebuilding. It's looking nice so far, I'll keep you all posted.
Re: Column question
10 June 2007 15:37
Anonymous To achieve that layout, you simply have to edit all the modules positioned on the right and have them being displayed only on "Home". You can edit the modules in the admin backend from the Modules -> Manage modules page.

I hope you will use v0.4.4 (when it will be released) since it is much more stable than v0.4.3

Best wishes cheerful
Re : Column question
10 June 2007 18:27
Anonymous ahh, thank you I don't know why I didn't see that. I have been using Joomla for almost 2 years and love how Drake has some features that are quite similar. I decided to use Drake because the university hosting... sucks. Their MySQL is outdated and the people that manage the server are not willing to work with me. I went through about 10 different flat file database CMS systems... and Drake is the best by far. grin cheerful
Re: Re : Column question
10 June 2007 20:07
Anonymous Thank you for the feedback cheerful
Actually Drake CMS has a common ancestor with Joomla, which is Mambo; read the history if you wish.

Anyway, we have rewritten the core and our principles are really different; I hope it will help you also with future versions, once the core is stable we will improve the user interfaces (we are already improving user interfaces, but our main focus is on the stabilization of the core).

Keep asking if you need more help smile
And, if in future you will get MySQL or SQLite or any other of the support database system, you won't loose your data, the database backups created by Drake CMS can be restored into any of the database systems supported.