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Home page Help & Support > Changing Time Zone Permanent link to this page
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Changing Time Zone
10 November 2007 22:01
Anonymous How to change the user timezone, I need this because I use my website locally and not for worldwide. So I must change the timezone only for one country and divide by state in the country.
Any help very appreciated.
Re: Changing Time Zone
10 November 2007 22:42
Anonymous You can change the timezone of an individual user editing his user details or else you might "hack" the default timezone of a language editing the language from System -> Language manager -> common.php

If you edit the default English language files be sure to use a valid timezone
Re: Changing Time Zone
10 November 2007 22:52
Anonymous You mean, I must change it in administration and cannot modified the single file offline?
Re: Changing Time Zone
10 November 2007 23:46
Anonymous Hi

It is safer and the only recommended method to edit language files using the System -> Language manager -> route.

Usng a valid timezone is vital, you can see what to use by looking at a users details under Edit Users..

Good Luck

Re: Changing Time Zone
11 November 2007 07:17
Anonymous Quote:

You mean, I must change it in administration and cannot modified the single file offline?

Each language files says on the top "DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY". That means that manual editing will break things and leave you with unsupported Drake CMS issues
Re: Changing Time Zone
14 November 2007 06:29
Anonymous Oh I wondered where this configuration had gone since it was removed from the "global Configuration"
