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Home page Help & Support > Changing Editors Permanent link to this page
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Changing Editors
23 August 2007 13:20
Anonymous I've been pouring over the code in includes/editor.php and it appears to be pretty tightly integrated with tiny_mce. Was there any planning for the editors to be pluggable?

I would really like to use some others but right now it doesn't look possible is this correct?

Re: Changing Editors
24 August 2007 05:08
Anonymous Hi and Welcome

It is planned to allow other eidtors BUT that is still a little way in the future.

While still in beta and heading into the first Official release it has been decided to ensure overall stability and security of the core before looking to third part addons and additions...

It will happen its just not on the list of toddos just yet.

I should add, are you interested in doing some work on the implementing of another editor?

Re: Changing Editors
02 September 2007 08:50
Anonymous Quote:
I've been pouring over the code in includes/editor.php and it appears to be pretty tightly integrated with tiny_mce.

No, there are no hardcoded references to tinyMCE. Theorically, any editor is pluggable.
Was there any planning for the editors to be pluggable?

I would really like to use some others but right now it doesn't look possible is this correct?

In the past, FCKeditor has been used successfully. Now it needs to be updated to be working again. The latest working sources (with an older version of Drake CMS) are on our SVN branch Blake under the editor directory

Somebody should fix the FCKeditor integration (and maybe add others too) for stand-alone release, there is already a feature tracker item for that

Thanks for asking!