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Home page Help & Support > Change Default Language Permanent link to this page
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Change Default Language
30 August 2007 09:21
Anonymous Hi,

I want my drake HP always to appear in German instead of the browser's default language.

I hope I got this right - but the language of the page is chosen according to the browser language identification data - right? - So how can I change this behaviour so that the page always appears in German instead of English? (I already have German language pack installed)

Thx Michael

(btw - I'm using drake 4.5 beta)
Re: Change Default Language
31 August 2007 09:05
Anonymous Go in the admin backend, select System -> Global configuratio and click on the Locale tab.

There you can choose the default language used when the user browser language is not available.

Next, delete or rename the lang/en/language.xml file and you're done smile
Re: Change Default Language
31 August 2007 13:40
Anonymous Hi - thx, it worked perfectly the way you described it!

Have a nice weekend
