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Home page Help & Support > Cannot make topmenu work... :( Permanent link to this page
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Cannot make topmenu work... :(
26 June 2007 13:23
Anonymous Hello again

In 0.4.4 my topmenu acts very strange. There are no just text and links like in 0.4.3, but boff.png and bon.png like in Main Menu. Looks awful :(.
Tried horizontal, vertical etc. but still *.png as a background for link.
I have seen that on ver. 3838 there was a compatibility issues with topmenu - but I'm using 3847...

Is it a bug? or I'm doing something wrong?

Re: Cannot make topmenu work... :(
26 June 2007 14:19
Anonymous See this other thread
Re : Re: Cannot make topmenu work... :(
26 June 2007 14:41
Anonymous It worked. THX.