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Home page Help & Support > 2 How Tos questions: Events & News Permanent link to this page
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2 How Tos questions: Events & News
01 August 2007 21:36
Anonymous I wanted to include in the Users Menu two items: one for submiting new Events and the other for submitting News & Content items.

I created the menu Items and pointed them to the following links:


In the event instance it didn't work. Once you click to the menu option it sends you to the events list. To make this option worked I had to point it to this address instead:

In the News & Content instance it worked fine until you have entered the information on the 'create a News Item' form. Once you click to Submit, it will stay there(on the form Display)and does not move forward. To get out of there you have to choose a menu item or go back, therefore the Item is never created. I had to submit News items using the Admin part aswell, for it to work.

Let me take this opportunity to congratulate all of you for an incredible software. I have been using it for a week now and am in love with it. I use it to run an Intranet.

I've installed this CMS over an apache server on a Windows XP machine and Windows network. Drake version is v0.4.5 Beta rev.3932.

Thank you for your help and keep up the excellent work!!!
Re: 2 How Tos questions: Events & News
01 August 2007 21:41
Anonymous Please ignore the part of my previous message. Is the address of the appache server in my network.

Sorry for that.. blush
Re: 2 How Tos questions: Events & News
02 August 2007 05:30
Anonymous Hi Again


I wanted to include in the Users Menu two items: one for submiting new Events and the other for submitting News & Content items.

The "Submit News" will do this, it allows you to set the new item as a news or content item.

Worked OK for me with v0.4.6 Beta r3996

Submitting new events from the frontend is currently the subject of a Feature Request.

Keep at it, the more we work Drake CMS over the better and more stable it will become.

Also, the email address you have provided on registration here is bouncing, please update your contact details.

Re: 2 How Tos questions: Events & News
02 August 2007 10:18
Anonymous jolulipa, the problem is that there is no frontend facility to submit new events

Only admin-type users (publishers, managers and administrators) can go in the backend and submit the new events

As you have filed a request for a frontend facility to submit events, we will see how it gets addressed

Thanks smile
Re: 2 How Tos questions: Events & News
02 August 2007 15:09
Anonymous Thank you for your help. As i mentioned I solved the problem by putting a URL the admin.php link and it worked. I'll patiently wait for the changes that will make this option looks great. Your software is worth the waiting.

Keep up the good work!!!

P.S. I'll check my profile to see why my address is bouncing. Sorry for that.
Re: 2 How Tos questions: Events & News
02 August 2007 15:11
Anonymous You were right my email address was wrong. Sorry for the mishap. I have fix it.